Part 2

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It's been a week since I kissed y/n. And man that was all I could think about.
Daneel left for New York and I have been trying to keep my distance from y/n since then. What was I thinking? Kissing her when I'm married and have a family. What the fuck is wrong with you jensen?!
"Dadda" justice yelled as she pointed at y/n. God I didn't think she could be any more prettier. JJ ran towards her and I followed.
"JJ!" I yelled
"Hey Lovebug." Y/n said as she pulled justice up to her hip.
JJ always looked so happy with her and y/n loved her. I couldn't help but smile. "My two girls." I whispered to myself. Wait what? Shit.
"Hey jensen." She muttered.
"H-hi. Sorry, JJ is pretty damn fast." I laughed trying not to make things awkward.
She laughed along with me. God she was beautiful. Her eyes, her smile, her lips. It's hard not to fall for her.
"It's ok. I missed her." She snuggled her face into JJs neck making her giggle.
"Uh how've you been?" I asked.
"I-I've been ok. Just been working and studying." She said.
"What about you? How's daneel?" Her eyes shot down to JJ.
"She's good, I'm good." I paused. Wishing I wasn't in this situation. "We're uh going to the grocery store, care to join? Keep JJ and I some company?" I smiled, hoping she'd say yes.
She looked up and smiled. Made my stomach flip.
Jensen had invited me out with him and JJ and honestly I haven't felt so happy. Well since the night we kissed.
I was sure he was going to keep avoiding me but for some reason this time was different.
Jensen placed JJ into her car seat then opened my door for me. The blood rushed up to my cheeks, leaving me breathless.
"Thanks." I whispered.
He nodded then closed the door behind me.
The drive to the store was awkward at first until JJ began to sing off key. Jensen and I laughed and started to talk as if nothing happened the last week.
"She's got your voice." I teased.
"She sounds a hell of a lot better than me, what are you talking about?" He laughed. It was great seeing him smile. It made me happy.
"Shut up jensen. You and I both know you can sing." I bit my lip trying to hide my smile.
"You never heard me sing, have you?"
"Uh I kind of went online and saw you sing at one of your panels. I know it's creepy but whatever." I muttered. The last thing I wanted was to sound like a stalker. I watched jensen smile at the road.
This was exactly what I wanted. To spend time with jensen, and with JJ. I loved them both dearly. But then id feel guilty when I thought of daneel and how great she was with me. Why must I have feelings for a married man? Why did he have to kiss me?
Jensen picked JJ up from her car seat and held her tightly in his arms. JJ placed her head on his shoulder and peacefully fell back to sleep.
"Thanks for uh coming with me tonight. I-" jensen paused, and cleared his throat. "JJ and I appreciate it."
I smiled. As much as I didn't want this day to end, I know nothing more can happen.
"Of course. I had a great time. I really missed you guys." I inhaled hoping I didn't sound too forward.
I turned away and started for the door to my house.
"You want to uh come in for a little?"
My head shot back to him. "S-sure." I stuttered.
Jensen walked into the living room where I was after putting JJ down in her crib.
"Beer?" He asked.
"Yes please." I replied. My heart was beating rapidly and my throat was parched.
"I uh want to apologize for avoiding you. I just didn't know-" jensen looked down opening his beer.
He handed me the beer and we took a sip at the same time.
"After you know, I didn't know how to react when I saw you again." He finished.
I chugged half my beer. This wasn't a conversation to have while sober. "It's ok. I know you didn't mean it. It was just a simple mistake." I exhaled. I stared at the bottle in my hand, hoping he wasn't staring, but I could feel his glare.
"Y/n. You think I didn't mean it? I-I. This isn't suppose to happen. I'm not suppose to have these feelings for you. But I do. I can't shake it. Everyday I spend with you, my feelings for you grow. You know how great it is to have someone to joke with and mess around with but also be serious with? It's rare to find that. It's rare to have this kind of relationship. I'm married and a father. But I can't stop wanting you." Jensen blurted out. My mouth dropped and the bottle slipped out of my hand.
"Shit!" I yelled. Jensen ran to my side and carefully picked me up. His arms caressed my body and he pulled me in. My arm wrapped around his neck and our eyes met. "I-I'm so sorry. I-i"
"Sh it's ok. I just don't want you to cut yourself." Jensen cut me off.
He walked into the next room and gently placed me down onto the couch. His hands escaped my back and rested on my hips. He pressed his lips to mine and I motioned back, running my tongue against his.
He tasted so amazing. His hands slid up to my breasts and he squeezed. A Moan escaped my lips.
Jensen picked me up making me straddle him. I slowly pulled his shirt off and gazed at how perfect and chiseled his body was. My hand ran over his skin and he gently moaned in my ear. He ripped off my tank top and kissed up from my bare chest to my ear. "God you're so beautiful." He whispered.
Jensen a phone goes off, interrupting the moment.
It was daneel.
Guilt ran through my body making me sick to my stomach.
I shot up and reached for my tank top.
Jensen stared blankly at his phone, letting it go to voicemail.
"Aren't you going to answer it?" I broke the silence.
"No. I-i can't." He mumbled.
"She's your wife jensen. We can't do this." I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. Jensen ran after me.
"Y/n, please don't leave. I know this is all screwed up, but I'm falling in love with you."
My heart dropped. Did he just say he's in love with me?
I know I should leave and go home and forget about all of this. But I was in love with jensen. As much as I knew this was bad, it also felt so right.
"What about daneel?" I asked coming back to reality.
He frowned, but then immediately grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine. It was hard but passionate.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I thought to myself.

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