The End

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Ok I know I said I was going to wait until I was done with all of the Christmas stories, but I've received a lot of messages asking for it. So here it is!'
The last part of the story. I just want to say thank you to everyone for this amazing, short journey! I had a blast writing it! When I wrote the first part, I didn't think anything would come of it. And now here we are, 9 parts later! Thank you again. I love and appreciate each and every one of you!!
I hope you all enjoy! Xoxo
I had forgotten JJ's toy in the car and decided to retrieve it for her before she awoke.
"I had a great time y/n." A voice spoke. My head shot back toward the couple standing in front of James door.
My eyes glued to them as I watched the guy press his lips to Y/n. My heart dropped and I could feel a lump form in my throat. It killed me to see her with someone else.
I ran back inside the house, trying to forget what I just saw.
"Jensen?" Daneel whispered as she walked toward me.
"Are you ok?"
Daneel and I were over. Completely. But she had no where to go so i let her stay with me until she found a place. Which she did. She starts moving this weekend.
"I'm fine." I gritted through my teeth. She placed a hand on my chest and frowned. "Jensen, we've been together for about 8 years. I know when something is bothering you."
She inched closer to me, her breath hitting my cheek.
"Daneel, I told you I'm fine."
Her hand slid down to my waist and a shiver shot through me. What was she doing?
"Shh it's ok." She whispered and gently pressed her lips to mine.
Was this happening?!
I stood in disbelief as she continued to make her way into my mouth.
There was a slight knock at the door. Daneels lips escaped mine and she smiled. "I'll get it."
"But don't move. Well continue this when I get back." She winked.
I couldn't move, I was frozen. If it were any other day, I would have pushed her off immediately. But I've been so emotionally exhausted. I couldn't.
"Y/n!" Daneel yelped. I snapped back to reality and ran straight for the door.
There she was. Damn she looked so beautiful. But what was she doing here?
"Sorry but we were kind of busy." Daneel stammered.
"O-oh ok. S-sorry." Y/n stuttered. Her eyes finally met mine which created my heart to race. I haven't felt this way in a while.
She frowned and turned her back.
"N-no y/n wait!" I croaked. Both daneel and y/n snapped their eyes on me.
I grabbed my coat and made my way to the door.
"Jensen!" Daneel groaned but ignored her. My focus was only on y/n. Nothing else mattered. Daneel slammed the door behind me leaving y/n and I alone.
"W-what're you do-"
"I remember." She cut me off. My breath hitched to the back of my throat.
"What?" I muttered.
Seeing jensen after getting my memory back, was the best thing. I missed him. His beautiful green eyes, his full lips and even his hair. I missed him without even realizing I did.
"What?" He muttered.
I handed him the letter I found under my pillow. His eyes shot down at the item in my hand then back to my eyes.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Just read it."
He took the paper and began to read the letter. My heart was racing incredulously fast and my throat was parched.
I didn't feel this way with Zach. I mean I was attracted to him, but he never made me feel nervous and excited at the same time.
"Y/n" jensen whispered interrupting my thoughts. His eyes locked with mine, almost filled with tears.
"You remember?" He licked his lips. "All of it? Everything?"
I nodded and looked down at my fingers. So what If I remember everything. The fact of the matter is that he was still with daneel. So that being said, we couldn't be together.
"It doesn't matter anyway." I said and began to walk toward my fathers house.
"Wait what?" Jensen yelped. "You come here and tell me you remember then say it doesn't matter?" He raised his voice. "To hell it doesn't matter!! Y/n we can finally be together. We can be happy!" Tears began to stream down his cheeks.
"Jensen, you're still married to daneel! She's still here for gods sake! We can't be together." I yelled. Jensen took a step back as if he was shocked.
"Y/n daneel and -"
"I don't want to hear it. Please." I exhaled. Jensen began to walk towards me.
His hands reaching around my waist pulling me closer. "Daneel and I are getting a divorce. And she's here because she had no where else to go." He cleared his throat. "She got a house 20 miles away from here. She moves this weekend." He smiled.
It felt like my heart dropped into my stomach. Did that mean jensen and I can finally be together? My head was spinning. Without hesitation, I grabbed jensens face and collided my lips to his.
"I love you jensen." I whispered into his neck.
He pulled back to look at me. His lips curved up into a smile and his eyes glistened with tears. "You have no idea how much I missed you the past 4 weeks." He croaked. "Y/n I want you. I want this so much. You, me, JJ and the baby." He paused and placed a hand on my stomach. "That's all I want y/n. You're all I want."
I felt my stomach flutter. And jensens eyes shot up to mine. "W-was that?!" He smiled and knelt down to my belly. "Hey little man." He whispered. My stomach fluttered once again and I could tell jensen was thrilled. I couldn't fight the tears anymore. They stained my cheeks and I was filled with joy.
"I want you too jensen." I muttered. He shot up and froze. "What?" He muttered.
"I want to be with you." The words came out smoothly and feeling no regret or guilt. This was what I wanted. And now we could finally be together. I'm tired of fighting it. Of pushing him away. For 4 months of doing that, it became exhausting. Jensen laughed and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you so much y/n." He whispered into my ear.
"I love you too jensen." I laid my head on his chest as he squeezed tighter. Being in his arms felt right. Telling him I love him felt right. All of it. I've wanted this since the first moment I laid my eyes on him. And finally, here we are. Together.
1 year have gone by and it has been such a crazy transition. Daneel moved and picks JJ up every other week. And jensen and I decided to get our very own place 15 minutes away from my dad's house. We didn't want to stay in jensens old house because it felt weird since it was for him and daneel. Jensen has been nothing but supportive and caring and helping me through the pregnancy, and the birth of our baby boy, Benjamin Xavier Ackles. He has the most amazing green eyes, just like his daddy, and beautiful dark brown hair. He was ours.
Today is Ben's first birthday, and everyone is here. Jared and his wife gen with their boys playing with JJ and Ben. Lexi and her boyfriend, John, my father, misha and his family were here as well. There were so many faces, but all I could focus on was jensens. The love of my life. He was smiling and laughing along with Jared and misha, also flipping the food. He looked happy. And it made me happy as well.
"Y/n!" Gen called me over. I walked toward her with three beers in my hands. "Rob thinks he's taller than me." She stood side by side the man and chuckled. "Whose taller?"
I handed the beers to Lexi and Matt. "You totally are." I chuckled.
"No way! That can't be possible!" Rob declared.
"Oh but it is. Sorry rob, but you're short." Gen laughed.
I felt a hand press against my lower back. "What's going on here?" Jensen asked, taking the beer from my hand.
"Robs upset that I'm taller than him!" Gen laughed.
Jensen belted out in a laugh. "Wow. Not everyone can be tall like Jared and I!" He cackled.
"We better sing happy birthday before the game starts!" I yelped. We were not only celebrating bens birthday, but of course the boys wanted to watch the football game!
Jensen called everyone over the table. He placed Ben in the high chair and I had JJ resting over my hip.
Everyone huddled around and I lit the candle.
We all sang 'happy birthday' in unison and cheered as we witnessed Ben taking a handful of the cake and eating it. Jensen came to my side.
"He eats just like his daddy." He chuckled.
"Yeah messy!" I giggled along with him.
JJ groaned, "y/n I want to eat cake with Ben!" She exclaimed. I nodded and let her down. We both watched as she grabbed a cupcake and sat next to her baby brother. Tom and shep, and west and maison sat with them as well.
"Our beautiful family." Jared whispered next to me.
My eyes shot up to the tall man and smiled. "Yes indeed."
Everyone walked to the living room to watch the game.
I began to make my way until jensen pulled me back. His lips pressed to mine. "I love you y/n." He whispered.
"I love you too babe." I smiled. He pecked my lips once more.
"Eww!" The kids all groaned at once.
Jensen and I laughed. "Let's go watch the game." He muttered.
"Ok." I said.

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