Part 6

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"Jensen?" Daneel exhaled.
My body stiffened and my breath hitched to the back of my throat. My eyes averted towards jensen as he froze.
"What's going on here?" Daneel yelled. Her eyes gazed at me then back at jensen. I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. It shot guilt through me making me cringe. Like a thousand spiders crawled up and down my spine.
"Daneel" jensen finally spoke.
The air felt heavy creating me to hyperventilate.
"Is this why you have been distant?" Daneel's voice broke. Tears began to swarm her eyes and her lips trembled.
This was too much to bear. The woman I looked up too for the past 8 months, was crushed because of me.
"I-I'm so sorry da-"
"Stop." She cut me off. The anger in her voice grew tense. "I trusted you. Let you in our house, I even thought of you as a sister!" She yelped. Her tears began to flow down her cheeks as mine mirrored her actions.
My chest felt tight and my head felt dizzy.
"This isn't about her daneel, it's about you and I." Jensen croaked. He balled his fists and clenched his jaw.
"This has everything to do with her jensen! You're kissing her for gods sake! How long has this been going on?" Her voice rose.
"Let's talk about this in the house." Jensen gritted through his teeth. "Please."
Daneel huffed and rolled her eyes. She turned to me and glared. "I thought you were different." She cried.
She stormed off and ran to her house.
I was still. Not able to move. But different emotions were roaming through me.
"Come on y/n." Jensen broke my trance. He closed the door to my car and motioned for me to lead the way.
I shook my head, wishing this would be over.
"Please, come inside y/n." He whispered.
"Go talk to her." I muttered.
"No. She's still your wife." I exhaled. "Go."
Jensen stood for a moment facing me, his hands on his sides as tears began to form.
"Ok." He whispered. He glanced at me once more before walking away to his house.
I had hurt daneel in a way I can never make up for. And in that endeavor, I felt ashamed.
I closed my hand and gripped my keys, making it dig into my palm. "I'm so stupid." I whispered to myself. I knelt down and wrapped my arms around my legs.
"H-hi." A rough voice spoke. My head shot up and my eyes widened as I witnessed the tall man that jensen talks a lot about. Jared.
"Uh h-hi." I stuttered.
"I'm Jared." He reached his hand out toward me and I took it.
We stood in silence for a moment.
"So uh jensen, you know." He motioned to my stomach, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Oh uh yeah. I'm so sorry." I said, falling more in my guilt.
"Look, I love daneel, but jensen is my brother. I've known for a long time that he hasn't been happy with her. I mean I thought things were ok since he'd come to work happy and more himself, but now I know it wasn't because of daneel, it was you." He inhaled and pressed his thin lips together. "I just want him to be happy. So if you're planning on a short term thing, then I'm begging you, please let him go."
I was appalled. I shook my head and looked down to my belly.
"The last thing I want is to hurt either of them. I didn't want any of this to happen. But-" a tear fell, hitting my shirt. "I didnt expect to fall in love with him."
Jared's eyes widened and he nodded. "I'm sorry for all of this. But I'm not sorry for being in love with him."
"Then fight for him. Like he's fighting for you."
I nodded and began to whimper. My hormones were jumping all over the place, creating me to break down.
"Shh it's ok." Jared wrapped his arms around me and made tiny circles on my back. "It's all going to be ok." He repeated
"I better go before my wife knows I'm out here." He chuckled.
I smirked and released from his grip.
But it didn't feel like it was ever going to be ok.
"I can't believe you of all people would do this to me." Daneel exhaled. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her eyes were pierced on to mine.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I said.
"Sorry? You betrayed me and all you can say is sorry?"
I hung my head, feeling a knot in my stomach.
"Jensen how long has this been going on?"
"What the kiss?"
"No! You being in love with her!" She screamed. Her arms were thrown into the air and her eyes were full with rage.
I sighed. "It's been three months now." I closed my eyes, remembering that moment I realized I had feelings for y/n.
"3 months? Why didn't you talk to me? We could've talked this out! Instead of sleeping with that whore!"
"Talked this out?! How? You're always gone, and when you're back, I have to leave for supernatural. We never had time to talk." I blurted out.
"We've known for a while this wasn't going to work out. But I tried! God I tried! You weren't ever here. JJ and I needed you."
"So you're blaming me for cheating on ME?!"
"No! I'm simply saying that I was alone. And y/n. Y/n was here. She took care of JJ while you were gone. She took care of me when I was sick, and we would talk for hours about anything! I fell for her because she made me feel important. She made me feel like I mattered. I'm sorry I did this to you. I'm sorry for going behind your back. But don't you dare call her a whore! She was here when you weren't."
Daneel took a few steps back and clasped her hands to her mouth.
There was a slight knock at the door and Jared peeped his head in.
"Hi. Uh sorry. Gen and I were thinking of taking the kids to the park while you two talk." He smiled.
"N-no. It's ok. Jensen and I are done talking." She grabbed a bag and packed some of her clothes in.
"I'm going to my parents house. I'll take JJ with me." She cried as she finished packing her things.
She squeezed pass Jared and vanished.
Tears were streaming down my face. I was overwhelmed with anger and pain.
"You ok?" Jared said capturing my attention.
"I don't know man." I exhaled.
"You want to talk about it?"
"Nah." I sniffed as I wiped my tears away. "I need to talk to y/n."
"I think she left." Jared whispered.
I grabbed my keys and pulled my jacket over my shoulder.
"I uh-"
"Don't worry about it man. I'll be here when you get back." Jared cut me off and patted my back.
I smiled and ran toward my car.
I reached for my phone and dialed y/n number.
"Answer your phone." I gritted through my teeth. I slid in to my car and slammed the door shut. I placed the key into the ignition and started the car.
"Hi please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can thank you." I threw my phone down and skid off the drive way. I made my way down the road and stopped at a stop sign. My eyes averted to a black honda civic that was crushed by a semi truck. And I swear my heart stopped.
(25 minutes before) I can't do this. I can't be here knowing both daneel and jensen are in the house fighting over me.
I got in my car and escaped the drive way. My heart was racing and the lump in my throat made it hard for me to breathe. As I stopped at a stop sign, I laid my forehead on the steering wheel, whimpering to myself. "I'm so sorry." I repeated over and over again. A horn blew behind me and my eyes shot up to my rearview mirror. Before I knew it, the car behind me slammed into the back of my car pushing me into the middle of the intersection. The airbag hit my face at full force causing me to black out for a moment.
I started to blink my eyes continuously as I couldn't move. Head lights beside me began to blind me as it grew closer and closer.
Then it was black.
"Y/n!" I yelled as I ran out of my car.
"Sir please go back in your car!" The police man yelled as he pushed me back.
My heart dropped as I witnessed her body being carried out of her car and on to the gurney.
"Oh god no! Y/n!" I yelled. My voice breaking and tears beginning to fall.
This can't be happening.
"Jensen!" I snapped my head toward the voice. My eyes widened as I saw daneel sitting on the curb with cuts on her face.
"I'm so sorry!" She cried. JJ was sitting beside her crying into her arm.
I ran toward them and squeezed them both.
"What happened?! Are you ok?!" I tried to control my voice. Making sure JJ was fine.
"It happened so fast!"
"What happened daneel?"
"I was driving too fast and I didn't see her stop. I tried to slam on the breaks, but-" she paused and began to whimper.
"I'm so sorry." She continued to cry.
"She isn't responding!" A paramedic yelled.
"I feel a pulse!" They placed her in the back of the ambulance and three paramedics followed.
This can't be happening. This has to be a dream.

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