Part 8

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"Hi beautiful." A rough voice spoke. My eyes fluttered open and I witnessed, beautiful green eyes gazing at me. His lips curved into a smile and held my hand.
Who was this guy? Why was he here?
"Who are you?" My voice quivered. I pulled away and began to panic.
I screamed for help, hoping someone heard.
"Y/n please. You know me! Please try to remember. I'm jensen. The father of your child!" His eyes pleading for hope. My child? What did he mean?
"I-I don't know who you are. Please leave!" I yelped.
"Nurse! Dad! Someone!" I began to hyperventilate.
"Y/n, please. Don't do this. I love you!" I watched as the security pulled the stranger out from my room. My dad reached to my side in confusion.
"It's ok." He said as he wrapped his arms around me.
Jensen, was crying out begging for me to stop. But how can I stop when I don't know who he is?
"Y/n please!" His voice fainted.
My head was spinning. What was going on?
"Sir she had a head injury. Her memory must have been lost. We won't know when she will get them back, if she ever does that is." The doctor said as he frowned and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"What do you mean if she ever does!?" I grunted.
"She has to remember. She just has to."
The doctor nodded and smirked. "All we can do is hope."
Hope?! That's all he can say? Fuck this.
I decided to wait in the waiting room in hope that Lexi or James will come out so I can talk to them. How can y/n not remember?
My heart felt like it sunk to the pit of my stomach and a lump began to form in my throat. Making it unbearable to breathe. Why did this have to happen?
"Hi sweetheart." My dad moved my hair away from my face.
"W-was he telling the truth? Do I have a baby?" I hesitated. Scared of what the answer was.
My dad frowned and pulled up a chair.
"Yes, you do." He glanced at my belly and smiled. "A baby boy."
How could this be? The last thing I remember was getting ready for school. My first year of college. And it was going great. So how could this happen?!
"I-I need some sleep. This is too much to take in." I mumbled.
My father sighed but then left the room immediately. Making the machines echo.
So if I'm pregnant then that man, was he my boy friend? Who was he?
I closed my eyes and dozed off.
Falling into complete slumber.
There he was. Standing outside of his car. He smiled at me and started toward me.
"Hi!" The tall man muttered. His toned arms caressed my body and his scent became the only thing I breathed.
"H-hi jensen!" I returned the hug feeling his biceps through his thin t-shirt.
"I'm actually taking JJ ice skating. Care to join?" He asked nonchalant. My mouth curved up into a smile and I nodded. Jensen came over to the side of his car and opened the door for me.
I could feel my heart begin to pace as my hand gradually grazed against his.
We finally appeared at the ice rink and Jensen pulled JJ up to his side. Then all of a sudden we were on the ice.
JJ was giggling outrageously as jensen held her hand and skated. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. His face lightened up every time he watched her laugh. It was heartwarming.
He made a round and skated by my side. I clenched on to the side, scared of falling on my face.
"Come on!" He said and reached his hand out toward me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I placed my hand into his and we were off. With JJ on his other hand, we were skating and laughing together. It was the perfect setting.
JJ sat on the bleachers as jensen and I were about to leave the ice. His hand still gripping on to mine. I tripped over my foot and fell, dragging jensen along with me.
His laughter echoed through my ears, almost like a melody.
"You ok?" Jensen asked as he moved my hair from my eyes.
It made my stomach flutter and shot a chill through out my body.
My eyes shot open and the light blinded me for a moment. I sat up in the bed and saw Lexi standing next to me.
"It was just a dream?" I mumbled to myself.
"What?" Lexi exhaled.
"Uh nothing. What's up?" I said. Trying to ignore the dream.
"I brought your books!" She gestured toward her bag.
I couldn't focus. Especially after the news, and the dream. Why was I having a dream about a man I don't even know?
I sat in my car, gripping the steering wheel.
I was exhausted from the crying and overwhelmed by the incident.
There was a slight knock on my window.
"Hey, just going to sit in there all day?" Jared chuckled to himself.
"Sorry." I mumbled as I got out of my car. Jared's smile flipped to a stern line.
"What happened?" He whispered.
We walked to the hood of my car and sat down.
"She doesn't remember me man. She saw me and didn't know who I was." I felt myself choke up and tears began to well up.
Jared sighed. "I'm sorry dude." He placed his hand on my shoulder.
"I don't know what to do man. I thought finally we could be together, be happy. Then she gets into a car accident. And now." My tears streamed down my face. "Now she doesn't remember me." Pain struck through me making it unbearable.
How was I going to get her back? How was this ever going to get better?
It's been a few weeks since I was discharged from the hospital. And I've also continued having dreams about that jensen guy.
It was always different. Just last night I had a dream about us having sex in his room. But why? Why is this happening.
I was sitting in Starbucks rummaging through my notes, trying to study for my finals.
"Here you go miss." My eyes shot up to the gentle voice.
"Oh I didn't order anything?" I said, as my breath hitched to the back of my throat as I realized how attractive this man was. He was tall and lean, clean cut and short black hair. He flashed a smile at me, making me blush.
"I know. I bought it for you." He chuckled. His brown eyes were beautiful.
"T-thank you." I stuttered.
"Zach." He reached his hand out.
"Y/n." I muttered.
"So this is going to sound weird but" he paused and adjusted his apron. "I've seen you here almost everyday, and I was just wondering if you ever wanted to go out sometime?"
I was taken back. My stomach fluttered. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.
"Right sorry of course you don't want to."
"No I mean yes I would like that." I stammered. Zach giggled and and nodded.
"Zach! Your break is over!" Our heads snapped back at the employee.
"I have to go. Pick you up tonight?"
"Yeah. I'll meet you here."
"Cool. See you at 8." He winked then went back to work.
My mind was swirling with emotions. I was on a high.
I was going on my first date in months. Or was it years?
I was so nervous. I made Lexi come over to help me get ready. We decided on a red dress that fit my curves perfectly. Lexi picked out the perfect black heels and curled my hair for me.
"You look amazing." She breathed.
I didn't look at my reflection until I was completely done. And what I saw made me incredibly happy.
"I'm so excited!" I blurted out. Lexi smiled and handed me my coat.
"Go before you're late! I'll be here when you get back!"
She paused.
"Don't mention the baby thing. And the car accident. At least on the first date." She exhaled.
Right. My life was turning in a different direction. With this baby growing inside of me. Though, I felt close to him already.
I walked off toward Starbucks to meet Zach. I was humming to myself minding my own business.
"Y/n!" A little girl yelled behind me. I whipped around and my eyes widened as I saw the little girl from my dream. She ran straight to me and wrapped her tiny arms around my legs.
"I miss you." She muttered.
"JJ!" A man yelled. JJ? Wait how did he know her name from my dream? Was it even a dream?
It's the man from the hospital. It was jensen. He stopped running and stood in disbelief. His eyes looked me up and down and one hand on the back of his neck.
He began walking toward me.
"Y/n." His voice was smooth. And his eyes softened.
My breath escaped and my chest tightened.
"H-hi." I stuttered.
Jensen picked JJ up and swung her over his hip.
"Sorry about JJ. She has been asking about you a lot lately." He paused, his eyes wide. "I-I mean well you know." He hesitated.
He looked me up and down and returned his gaze back up to my eyes immediately.
"You look great." He said then quickly cleared his throat.
"We uh have to go. Goodbye y/n." Before I could speak, he left with JJ. Leaving me aghast.
"Y/n hey you ready!" Zach yelled after me.
"Oh y-yeah I am." I said. He gestured for me to lead the way.
I placed JJ in her car seat and closed her door.
"Y/n hey you ready!" I heard a faint voice. My head snapped back toward y/n and there he was. A young fellow wrapping his arms around her. I felt a chill vibrate through my body. I tried to keep my composure even though every inch of me felt like it was going to collapse.
God she looked beautiful. I haven't seen her since the night at the hospital. But there was never a day where she wasn't on my mind. I miss her so damn much. Why did any of this have to happen. And who is this guy? Please don't tell me she's with him.
Tears began to well up.
She looked so happy with him and it killed me. I'm not the reason she smiled anymore. He is. I'm not the one she loves anymore. And it created a sharp pain in my chest. I felt pure pain and i couldn't shake it off.
"Uh fuck." I grunted through my teeth. I hated this. I just want y/n.
"You look beautiful." Zach whispered as he reached his hand out for mine. Zach took me out to a nice restaurant. And he looked handsome as well. He wore dark blue jeans with a grey button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up, exposing his tattoos. And may I say I wanted to drool.
The waiter walked by with a bottle of wine.
He poured the wine in our glasses then disappeared.
Zach raised his glass, "to a beautiful night." He winked. I reached for my glass, but of course I knocked it down and got it everywhere.
Zach laughed as he grabbed his napkin from his lap.
"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, feeling so embarrassed.
He flashed me a smile and shrugged his shoulders. "It's ok."
Our food came and we began to eat. We talked about everything and anything. It was pretty great.
Zach walked me to my door. Well my dad's door. His house was closer compare to my apartment. He leaned in and pressed his chapped lips onto mine.
But something wasn't right. I didn't feel anything. Which was strange since I was so attracted to him.
Zachs lips parted from mine and he smiled. "I had a great night." He whispered.
"Me too." I tried to smile. Zach pecked my lips one last time then left.
"What is wrong with you?" I whispered to myself. I walked inside the house and placed my purse down. As I began walking upstairs I felt something move inside of me. I stopped and shot my head down.
My baby boy was moving inside. It was a weird but an amazing sensation and all I could do was smile. I may not know how I got pregnant, but I loved him.
I walked in my room and turned the light on. It's been a while since I've been in here.
I walked over to my bed and laid down. Today was the most I've done since the accident and it honestly made me exhausted.
I turned to my side and heard paper crinkle under my pillow. I pulled out the piece of paper and opened it up.
Last night was the best night of my life. But also the worst. I have never felt so guilty in my life. I wish things were different. But there's one thing I'm not sorry for, and that's being in love with you. I've been in love with you since the day we went ice skating. That's when I realized you were all I wanted. I just hope you know that I don't regret anything we've done. I especially don't regret making love to you last night.
But unfortunately, you're still married. So I need to keep my distance or else I won't be able to stop myself from falling even more in love with you. I respect you and daneel too much.
But just know, if things were different or you and daneel split up, Id be with you in a heartbeat. I love you. Jensen. So damn much.
Y/f/n y/l/n
My eyes widened as I read each word. My head began to spin and I felt light headed. I dropped my head to the pillow and jensens face and body and his laughter flashed in my head. Like a movie.
Daneel and JJ and everything else flashed as well.
I blinked my eyes continuously but it was no use, every word repeated.
Then it was quiet.
"I remember." I whispered to myself.

Out Of BoundsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora