Facts 51--60

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The occasional tongue flick Barty Crouch Jr. does in the movies was not in the book at all. It was improvised on the spot by the actor David Tennant.

Severus Snape is the only Death Eater that can produce a Patronus.

7 different owls played Hedwig in the movies. Most of them were actually male because they're whiter and lighter.

In the books, Sirius Black and Fred Weasley both died laughing.

Nearly Headless Nick was supposed to have a song in the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book. Rowling said it was hard for her to leave the song out. "The Ballad of Nearly Headless Nick" can be read online.

Arthur Weasley fixed the flying motorbike and then gave it to Harry.

Shirley Henderson, the actress who played Moaning Myrtle, was 37 when she started playing that character. She is the oldest person to play a Hogwarts student.

George named his son Fred.

Harry Potter's scar had to be applied 5,800 times on Daniel Radcliffe throughout the movies.

While filming Prisoner of Azkaban, Tom Felton's Hogwarts robes pockets had to be sewn shut to stop him from sneaking food on set.

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