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Luna Lovegood's birthday is February 13th.

Instead of acting petrified, full-sized models of the students were created and used in the Chamber of Secrets film.

Prop masters used the handles of scissors to make the Weasley's clock. They put the pictures of the actors and pasted them on the handles.

Prisoner of Azkaban was the last Harry Potter movie to be realeased on VHS tapes.

In the the Order of the Phoenix movie when the Order goes to the Dursely's house for Harry, Moody says they're there, "rescuing you of course" to Harry. It's the same line Ron says in the Chamber of Secrets film when he, Fred, and George pick Harry up in the flying car.

John Hurt, the actor who played Ollivander, returned in the Deathly Hallows Part 1 movie 9 years since his role in the first film.

Due to concern of actors aging out of their character's ranges too quickly, Warner Bros., who were looking at Steven Spielberg as the director, originally considered making the entire Harry Potter series in the form of animated films and combining multiple books per movie.

Moody's line in the Goblet of Fire movie, "I know stories that would curl even your greasy hair" is actually a line from the book, however, it is spoken by Rita Skeeter.

The Deathly Hallows symbol can be seen in the Goblet of Fire movie in Dumbledore's office right before Dumbledore shows Harry the Pensieve.

The Netherlands created an entirely new category for rating the Prisoner of Azkaban movie. Originally, their categories were: all ages, ages 6 and up, ages 12 and up, and so on. Prisoner of Azkaban was rated ages 9 and up because they felt the film was too graphic for 6 year olds, but thought it would cut out too much of the target demographic to rate it at 12 and up.

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