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Harry and Ron never went back to Hogwarts to complete their seventh year.

"Avada Kedavra" derives from the Aramaic phrase "Abhadda Kedhabra" which means "to dissappear like this world".

Rowling says the chapter in Deathly Hallows where Harry enters the forest to face Voldemort once and for all was the most difficult of all the chapters in the seven books to write.

At 89 years old, Hagrid still works at Hogwarts 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts. (Which is in 2017, by the way.)

All of the potions the actors drank while filming were actually soup.

In the Chamber of Secrets movie, the line "I didn't know you could read." spoken by Draco to Goyle was improvised on the spot by actor Tom Felton because he had forgotten his line.

Herpo the Foul, a wizard from ancient Greece, was the first person to ever create a Horcrux.

Michael Jackson once approached J. K. Rowling about making a musical based on the books, but she turned down the offer.

When rearranged, the letters of 'Remus Lupin' spell out 'Primus Lune' which roughly translates to "first moon" in Latin.

The Harry Potter series have sold 450 million copies worldwide, making it the world's best selling book series in history.

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