Facts 101--110

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Even though in the movie it said James Potter was a Seeker, he was actually a Chaser in the books.

Richard Harris agreed to play Dumbledore because if he didn't, his 11 year old granddaughter said she would never speak to him again.

In the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie, the laughter between Harry, Ron, and Hermione after Harry and Cho kiss was a genuine moment of laughter between the trio caught on camera and cut into the scene.

The Hogwarts school motto is "Draco domiens nunquam titillandus" which is Latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon".

Due to the many young cast members, Harry Potter producers had to have a dentist on standby to fit fake teeth for children who lost teeth while filming.

More than 3,000 girls auditioned for the role of Cho Chang. Katie Leung got the part.

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs died in reverse order of how their names were written in the Marauder's Map.

The director of Prisoner of Azkaban, Alfonso Cuarón, asked Daniel, Rupert, and Emma to write an essay about their character. Emma wrote over 10 pages, Daniel wrote 1 page, and Rupert never turned his essay in at all.

Tom Felton originally auditioned for the roles of Harry and Ron.

Draco Malfoy attended Fred Weasley's funeral. He secretly thought the twins were quite funny and was truly sorry Fred had died.

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