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Ralph's POV
I've been talking to the NYPD over the loud speaker for 30 minutes, they are looking into my friends cases, I think I'm ready to surrender, and Veronica is gone, at least she's alive and I won't have blood on my hands. They told me what I'm facing but I don't care.

Kate sat now, almost brought to tears, she swore if Chloe made it out alive she would put her life into solving Ralph's friends "murders" 8 suicides staged the same way? All connected to the same man? Somethings not right, she had to contact Castle.

Kyle stood up he started running, straight to the school he was swooped up by Esposito just outside the doors, Ralph opened the door, "GET ME A PHONE IN HERE!!!!" He yelled Havier handed off Kyle to Beckett who just cried carrying him to her car. Havier handed him his cell phone, an odd thing, but he didn't care. If it will help the kids get out safe. He thought.

10 minutes later.
A text to Beckett came in from Castle, she read it in her locked squad car with Kyle. "Dear Beckett, the children are ok, I hope their parents are with them. Ralph swears he didn't do it. Kill his friends, I asked him but I would bet my life today he didn't, he said if you start looking into now, in 8 minutes we will all walk out alive. I don't know why 8 must have something to do with the number of deaths.

Beckett had Ryan's laptop, and didn't wait to start researching, she also sent back "tell him I am looking into it, tell him if he hands the gun to you know and puts his hands in the air, you will take the children out and he will be arrested, serving only 4 in prison."

Castle told him this, he handed off the gun right then. Sat down and Castle brought out the children, Beckett and Kyle ran out grabbing Chloe, Kate started crying again as Chloe hugged her. Castle had little tears too.

--At the HOSPITAL--
Veronica checked herself out. Took a taxi out of New York.

Ralph was taken into custody, Havier put in a good word with the DA at Castle's request. He will serve time 4 years, then 3 years probation.

Beckett was looking into the case of Ralph's friends, when she realized something, Veronica had plane tickets to fly in and out less than a town away from every murder, at the same time they were killed.

Veronica POV
Catch me if you can. No one will find me. No one will question me. I saw my face on a fucking milk jug, go to hell.

Kate POV
No one goes without justice, a man had to put his life in danger to get justice. Veronica is not who we think she is, we got a warrant for her house and she has pictures of every victim, dead and alive, every murder weapon, well a replica. She is a serial killer. Oh my god. And to think she was in a room with children.

Hope you enjoyed! I will write more soon. Cool twist huh? I think so :) Updates tomorrow on how far Beckett will go on the case, where Ryan's career takes him, and how Castle is doing with the kids.

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