cнapтer one

234 9 2

Tom P.O.V


There was no way to describe her, she was perfect!

The war in my case was never ever something to be celebrated but now to think that they expect me to fight is absurd.

But while I’m out there I won’t be fighting for the snotty and in-considerate Lords and Ladies.

Oh no, I’ll be fighting for my lady, Miss Sybil Crawley.

Once off the train there was a bus waiting for me, to take me to the camp which I would be spending the 2-3 weeks learning the basics;

v  How to use a gun

v  How to fight

But most importantly

v  How to stay alive

This camp is very different to how I imagined it, however I didn’t feel completely alone, like being the new kid at school, because I wasn’t alone. There must have been another 20 or 25 boys in the cabin with me, and all of them seemed to be scared.

Except for one

He sat in corner minding his own business while peeling what seemed to be a block of wood.

All the other men…Boys here acted like a bunch of Girls.

They didn’t know how it felt to be in love and then be ripped apart, by some stupid little disagreement two countries had with one another.

The tension began to build up in my arms, and as I was about to walk over to one of the boys who was annoying me deeply, I felt a hand reach for my shoulder and pulled me back onto a chair…


Who was it?

So yeah…Um…Read?


And if you are feeling especially nice with a cherry on top, with sprinkles and a sparkler..Fan?

Lots of love

My Aliens!


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