Chapter 16: Half Way

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Dragons weren't made for stealth. They were to big; to cumbersome, no matter how lithe or slim they were, especially in small areas. And as the two dragons made there way through the base they couldn't help but wince at the occasional loud clack of claws against cement, or the scrape of a metallic tail against a wall.

"There better not be any humans around," muttered Zepos, taking extra care to walk with the pads of his feet.

They were pretty certain that Silver could fling her tail spikes if worst came to worst, but that was really the only weapon the two of them had. They couldn't attack with teeth or claws, if they got to close to the humans then they got zapped, and they definitely couldn't use their elements for any reason whatsoever.

Silver stopped at a corner and looked around, before continuing her movement. It was difficult to navigate through such an area, but with Krista's memories of the place it was like she knew it like the back of her paw. As long as they didn't take a wrong turn anywhere she was pretty she could get them to the command centre. And through looking past all his memories she knew that the hardest part was yet to come.

They stopped at another turn, the path continued to go forward, and Silver took a deep breath. This was it. She glanced around the side, and quickly pulled her head back. It would be so useful to have a mind dragon with them now. Two human guards were standing at the entrance to two double doors. The problem was that was the way they were supposed to go.

"Two guards," she whispered quietly to Zepos.

The electric dragon narrowed his eyes, "And that is the only way?"

She nodded her head.

"Okay, I will distract them and as they come up you get them with your tail spikes," he said.

She nodded again and let spikes grow from her tail. The collar didn't zap her, much to her relief. She took a couple of steps back, away from the corner and nodded to Zepos. The electric dragon gathered himself and tensed, before suddenly pouncing past the turn. A small grunt of surprise followed and the sound of guns being cocked.

"Did you see that?" asked one of the humans.

"Yes. It looked like a dragon," as soon as the men walked into the corridor Silver struck, lashing out her tail and sending a dozen tail spikes in there direction.

A small cry left one man as a spike caught him in the chest while the other fell silently, two spikes imbedded in his neck and head. The rest of the spikes missed and were headed directly for Zepos. He growled in surprise and ducked, but not fast enough. One of the spikes scraped along the top of his head, drawing a trickle of blood, and straight into the collar. It broke the metal, causing it to spring open, before collapsing to the ground with loss of momentum. Zepos's collar soon followed, falling beside the spike. Both dragons stared at it in surprise, silent for a moment.

"Okay, what was that?" Zepos whispered, startled.

Silver walked over to him and touched the broken collar with her tail. Broken wires sent out electrical bolts onto the floor below, creating the occasional spark. She let out a small laugh of disbelief. It seemed the spikes were able to cut through the collars without much trouble at all. They weren't as strong as she thought they were. She voiced her theory to Zepos, who agreed.

"Now try with your collar. Maybe not with spikes but try cut it off with your tail or something," Zepos said.

"I'll try," she replied, forming the end of her tail into a blade.

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