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Every student scurries as fast as they can to go meet up with their friends.i head to my place to fix my bag and went straight to lunch
Ah lunch.... The time where everyone goes to their own group, properly sorted out, typical highschool cafeteria
There'so the jocks, populars, nerds, geeks, utakus, and the juniors
There are more but they are the "unlabeled " ones
Any ways i entered, people stopped and stared at me, one even dropped his drink. Then one loud perky voice boomed through the room "Franny over here!!!" Pepper
As I walk towards Pepper , all eyes follows and watches my every step
"Uh hey" I say, Pepper looks around and says "OKAY PEOPLE, NOTHING TO SEE HERE" wow, can she get any louder? I look at her, then to the dude next to her and I give her a"who-the-hell-is-he" look
"Oh Franny, this is Brandon, my boyfriend, babe this is Franny, my new friend" boyfriend aye😏
"Nice to finally meet you Franny" "Franchezka, only pepper calls me that "oh, so-" he tries apologizing "no, it's cool, just don't call me that again" but I interrupted him
"SO" Pepper starts, "how's your first day back?" She asks me " Good, good" if you call people talking about you like you're not there good. Brandon was a bout to say something but Pepper beats him to it "got any plans after school?" She asks me "well I don't have much friends but you" I say "hey! How about me?!?!" Brandon asks or more like whines "I just met you...." Yeah, but-" "deal with it" I say "wanna hangout with us later?" Pepper asks me "what do you got planned?" I ask her "well, there is this par-" okay sure I'm in" I interrupted him once again I was about to tell them to go to my house later but "WHAT IS IT TODAY? INTERRUPT BRANDON DAY???" Rude much.....
Brandon storms out of the cafeteria mumbling some few words......
Part two will be posted shortly

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