STARBUCKS!!!! bish wuh???

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Oh dear, it's Monday again. How is it that the weekend go by so fast??? I felt like yesterday was just Friday!!! Well weather I like it or not, and trust me, I really don't, I still have to go face hell  along with the evil witches and mean goblins. Yup, that's how I see school

I do my regular routine, took an apple from the counter, by this time my parents are at work already, and because I'm lazy and almost late, I have to skip breakfast

I head out the door and saw a very familiar black Lamborghini... wait a minute

"what are you doing here???" I say to Xander "well good morning to you too princess" he replies sarcastic, ignoring my question "I told I was picking you up remember?" bish wuh? he saw my reaction to his answer cause he soon added "check your phone" I took out my phone, went to my recent text messages and there it was... WHEN THE HELL DID HE SEND THIS???? 

it read: "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, don't argue, kay?"

"must've fallen asleep before you got the text" he says "well? get in the car!!!" right, right....


we reach school 10 minutes early, we went to my lockers to see our friends there waiting for us

"hey guys" I greet them, they all reply a "morning Chezka" in unison, did they rehears that? "Xander, here's that Starbucks you wanted, and I thought you drink coffee?" ooh la la "it's not for me" wait, he buys Starbucks but it wasn't for him??? lucky person.... "Chezka, do you want or not?" again, bish wuh??? "do I???? WELL DUH!!!" Starbucks in the morni- ERMEHGED "how did you know???" DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHIP!!! "it was the one you ordered when we went to the mall last Monday" oh yeah... he remembers that???

the bell rings and we go our separate ways to class


it was lunch and we sat our regular table, talking about random topics, Natalie and Braxon arguing over who climbed the rope faster during gym class, we were just having our regular lunch till a girl came up to us

"is it true???" she asked Xander "are you dating that...that....BITCH?!?!?!" she screeched, slightly turning red "I CAN NOT believe this!!! you dumped me for this poor excuse of a girlfriend??? she isn't even in your radar!!! SHE'S A LOW CLASS BITCH!!!!" excuse me??? "oh you did not just call me a bitch" " I just did" she snarled at me... "bitch please, I have more class than you have in your pinky" and that was all it took to make her attack me






I kept on punching her till i felt like being pulled off her, I looked up to see Brandon and Braxon holding me back, Xander walks between us and begins talking

"first, i broke up with you AGES ago, second, don't you call her a bitch.ever.again. and third yes she is my girlfriend, got any problems??? none good" he says "IF ANY OF YOU EVER HURT CHEZKA IN ANY WAY, I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET EVER BEING BORN" he finishes, he looks at me then grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room



any ways hope you still enjoyed!!! don't forget to vote, leave a nice comment, share, follow and if you haven't, the add this book to your library!!! love you guys MWUAH


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