Christmas with the team!

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Annabeth POV

We were sitting at a table eating. Tyler had our fingers intertwined.

"I'm stuffed", Shelby said.

"Well I have to go do something. I'll see you guys later", I said.

I stood up and kissed Chase and Tyler's cheek, grabbed my coat and bag and went to the community center. I got changed into (the pic up top for Inside of Me). I went and put Inside of me on and started practicing.

Tyler POV

We followed Anna becuase she left really quick. The community center. Why would she go here? We walked in and heard music. It was the 6 of us, me, Chase, Shelby, Koda, Riley and Kendall. We followed the music and found Anna.......dancing. I never knew she could dance. Right now she was turning. She was wearing(pic up top for Inside of Me). She finished the turns and did an aerial. The song finished and she was panting. We started clapping and she jumped.

Annabeth POV

I heard clapping and I jumped because it scared me. I turned and saw the guys there.

"How long have you guys been standing there", I asked and blushed slightly.

"You were almost done. You were turning", Riley said.

"Ok", I said.

I didn't want them to see the whole dance but Kendall has because me and my friends are doing a showcase for them tonight. It is me and a few friends from high school and the local dance studio. I was doing 9 dances. 4 solos, 2 duets, and 3 groups. Invincible, Inside of Me, Stitches, and Aftertaste are solos. Lost it all and Out of Thin air are duets. Swan Lake, Star wars, and Heartburn are groups. I looked at my phone. The showcase was at 6 and it was 2. I was meeting Ross' cousin, Derek Hough at 3:30. I'm doing the duets with him. Derek is on Dancing with the stars and he is really good. I grabbed my bags and headed to my car that Chase and Tyler got me for my 18th birthday. I closed the trunk and turned around on to have my lips pressed to the soft lips of my boyfriend. We pulled away and he just smiled.

"You're under mistletoe", Tyler said.

I looked up and saw him holding misltoe above us. I giggled and then pecked him on the lips.

"I have to go I'm meeting someone in a half an hour. Meet you at Amber Beach Symphony Hall at 5:45", I said.

He nodded and the kissed me on the lips again and then I headed to Symphony Hall. I walked inside and saw Derek fidiling with the music and a staff.

"Hi", I said.

"Hey you must be Annabeth", Derek said.

"Yep and you're Derek Hough", I said.

"So you have heard of me", Derek said.

"Yep and I also learned things about you thanks to your cousins", I said.

"Ross", Derek said.

"Yep", I said. "You ready to start."

He nodded and I placed my stuff in a chair. We started with Lost it All.(the video up top and the costume for Anna is in the top right corner and Derek is wearing the same thing as in video.) I was out of breath.

"Good job", Derek said.

"Thanks", I said.

We started to work on Out of Thin Air. We started. We did a trick were he lifted me up and then threw me and caught me. After that we went and got food. We went to the Olive Garden. It was surprisingly dead. Derek held the door open for me. Then when we got in Derek went back outside. I was so confused. A waiter came out.

"Are you Annabeth", she said.

I nodded. She handed me a bag and shooed me to the bathroom. I walked in and opened the bag and saw the dress from our first date. I got changed and then walked out. She showed me to a table. Tyler was sitting there playing with his hands.

"Hi", I said.

He looked up and smiled.

"Happy anniversary baby", Tyler said.

I smiled and then his lips were on mine. He pulled away and lead me to the table. We ordered and then ate. We then headed to Amber Beach Symphony Hall.

"Love you", I said going to the back where the others were waiting.

I quickly change for Swan Lake and then went backstage. The show started. It went Swan Lake, 2 dances, Heatburn, 4 dances, Lost it all, 10 dances, Star Wars, 4 dances, and Out of Thin air. The second half went like Invincible, 4 dances, Stitches, 6 dances, Aftertaste, 5 dances, then the end was Inside of me. I went on stage and had a mic.

"Hey, I'm Annabeth", I said into the mic.

Everyone clapped.

"So, I did this with the help of many people. Um, especially to my friends and then my friend Derek Hough", I said and he came off and took the mic as I walked backstage.

I headed out front and got spun around and lifted up by my boyfriend.

"You were amazing Anna", Tyler said.

I blushed and we went to the base. We sat on the cot and Tyler played with my hands.

"Oh, I have a surprise for you guys", Kendall said.

The lights went off and I squealed. Tyler just pressed his lips to my forehead telling me every thing is okay.

The lights came on and there was a tree and lights. I smiled. This is the Best Christmas Eve ever. Me and Tyler ended up falling asleep with our legs tangled together and his arm around my waist. I woke up and saw there was a ton of presents including the ones we got each other were under the tree. I woke Tyler up and then everyone else got up. We all gave each other the presents we got each other and then we opened the presents Santa brought.

"Merry Christmas baby", Tyler said.

"Merry Christmas", I said.

Tyler and the others were wondering around so I went up and gor food. I then saw it was snowing. I smiled and ran back down to the base.

"Its snowing", I exclaimed.

Tyler smiled. He grabbed two hoodies and two coats. He handed me mine and I shrugged it on. We went out and started playing. That how we spent our christmas and then the others joined us after.

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