Senior Prom

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Annabeth POV

So prom is right around the corner and Tarya joined school. Right now, I'm at me and Tyler's special spot alone thinking. I'm sitting with my legs dangling. All except one boyfriend on the team has asked their girlfriend to go to prom. All except Tyler. So I'm a little nervous. I hear a door shut and then the ground under me shook and started cracking. It fell down and I quickly grabbed the edge of the cliff.

"Anna," I heard my boyfriend yell.

"Ty help me," I yelled as I struggled to keep my grip on the cliff.

I saw Tyler run over to me and saw him grab my hands. He pulled making me come up and then fall on him when I finally came over the cliff.

"I got you babe," Ty says.

I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back before pecking my lips. He looked at the cliff.

"That was no accident," Tyler says.

"You're right ranger," Fury says, causing me to sit up.

"What are you doing here," I growl.

He laughs and charges, but me and Tyler both move out of the way. We quickly morph then start fighting him. He sends me tumbling through the air only to slam into a tree. I gasp as my breath is knocked out off me. I fall to the ground and demorph, gasping for breath. I looked up at Fury to only see Tyler standing in front of me. He picks me up and we head to the base.


I sat on a cot as Kendall checked my ribs. I wince.

"She has bruised ribs," Kendall says.

I sigh. Kendall wrapped my ribs. I slap a book to the ground.

"Anna, kitten what's wrong," Tyler says.

"Everything," I snapped at him

I get up and leave the base. I start crying. I soon feel arms wrapped gently around my waist and pulls me into a chest. I see they belong to Tyler and lean into him. He just holds me close and hums causing me to fall asleep.

Tyler POV

I smile as Anna falls asleep. I know this is rough on her. I know I'm the only boyfriend not to ask his girl out to the prom yet but I have something really special on how to ask her. I kiss her forehead. I bring her to my house. She stirs as I open my door. Her beautiful bright green eyes staring at me.

"Hi baby," I say.

"Hi," Anna says

I put her down but quickly pin her to the wall. One of my hands near her head, my other one closer to her shoulder. I smile as she scans me with her eyes. I leaned down to nibble on her earlobe. I plant a kiss right under her ear. I hear a soft moan escape her lips. I run the fingers on my left hand over her ribs gently, knowing that they were probably still sore. A small giggle comes from Anna. I smirk. I pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder.

"Ty put me down," I hear her giggle.

I bring her to my room and lay her down on my bed. I slip her shirt off to see her wrapped up ribs. I take off the wrap to see 3 good size bruises. I kiss each one of them. I hear a soft sigh come from her. I smile. I wrap her ribs back up and slip one of my shirts on her. She giggles and curls up. I chuckles and smile at her.

"I love you baby girl," I say.

"I love you Ty," Anna says.

I smile as she falls asleep. I slowly get up knowing I was meeting Chase and Riley to talk over plans to figure out who sent me a note saying 'they were coming'. Then in small print is says 'wabatch your girlfriend'. I get downstairs and a knock from my door sounds. I open it revealing my green and black rangers.

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