Soccer Fun

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Soccer Fun

Annabeth's POV

"Yo Anna someone's in the bleachers for you," my friend, Miley says.

I look up from tying my cleat and see Tyler and the gang. I smile and wave. I get up and grab my gloves. I head to the goal and Emily grabs a ball and starts warming me up. The refs blow the whistle and I kick the ball in. I watch my team and the other team. Then I saw the team was up towards the other goal. This game was important, it was the championship and we were facing a great team. I start clapping when the team made a goal. Soon we were in the last 2 minutes. They were down near me and I got ready. Next thing I know one of our players body checks the other team. We all gasp and the referees blow the whistle. The referee calls for a penalty kick after the player got off the field. The player took the shot but I blocked it and as soon as I did the referees blew the whistle signaling the end of the game. Our team starts screaming happily.

"We won," I say and get hugged by the team.

"We did it girls," Miley says and we hug each other then go do the post game handshake.

Next thing I know Posiondra shows up.

"Posiondra," I say.

Everyone runs off and I just stood there watching her.

"Anna," Sapph yells tossing me my blaster.

"Blitz Mode," I say.

But before I morphed, Posiondra sprayed something at me. I breathed it in and coughed falling to the ground.

"Anna," Tyler yells

Sapph came running but her fate was the same. She fell to the ground coughing and looking horrible.

"Bye Rangers," Poisondra says and leaves.

My chest was killing me and it felt like my lungs were going to exploded. I soon didn't feel the ground but the arms of my boyfriend.

"Shhh baby girl it will be okay," Tyler says.

I cough and whimper. He hums and my eyes slid shut and I fall asleep.

Tyler's POV

I sigh softly holding her closer.

"I'll find a way to get you better princess"

She groans in her sleep and I get her to the base. I slid down the slide. I layed her gently on a bed and covered her up. She looked peacefully and it looked like she was dead. I go to Kendall and look at her.

"What do we need to do," I ask.

"We need to get antidote," Chase says.

I nod as did Riley. I start thinking of ways to get the antidote.

"Lets give them our energems," I say.

"Are you nuts," they all scream at me.

"No if you give them fake energems they will give us the antidote," I say.

They nod and we get ready.


We are standing where we are meeting Posiondra for the antidote. She finally shows up.

"Lets see those energems," she says.

I give her them and see hands me the antidote disappearing. I laugh and head back to the base. I slid down the passage way and walk to Kendall. She puts a few drops of the antidote in water and waits for 5 minutes.

"They can drink it now," she says.

I pick up my cup as did Riley and I walked over to Anna. I smile and put the water to her lips.

"Here you go princess," I say.

I finished giving her the drink and wait for her to wake up.

Annabeth's POV

My eyes flicker open and I look around. Then two arms are wrapped around my waist. I smile and turn and see Tyler.

"Hey baby," Tyler says.

"Hi Tyler," I smile.

He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. I get up and stretch. Me and Tyler go to the cafe. I smile and start cooking and cleaning. He smiles at me.

What did I do to deserve Tyler?

A/N: sorry it's short and it took so long tbh I started high school and sports and it's a lot of work. So I won't be updating a lot.

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