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I'm thinking of adding a three song playlist to these chapters because I always listen to music while writing the chapters of my books. I want to share what usually gets me in the mood to write. My mood ALWAYS reflects off the feelings of the boys in the chapters. Would you guys like that or..? I want to know so I can add some next chapter :)


chapter thirty-six
not edited 

He can feel his clammy hands against a soft fabric, he tries to grab for the covers, succeeding and feeling the velvety surface against his fingertips. He smiles, one of the first ones that was actually real coming across his face. It would feel even better if his mates were with him, but they must not be far. 

He opens his eyes, and as soon as he does he groans in pain, dizziness taking over him. He can feel his heartbeat in his ears, his eyes and throat feel like deserts. He blinks rapidly, trying to focus on the room that he is in, and is surprised to see how dark it is. 

"Harry? Zayn?" He calls for half his mates, widening his eyes to see if he could see clearer. But he can only see a small stream of light peeking through in-between the thick black curtains . 

"Louis? Liam?" He starts to panic, but tries to calm his fast heartbeats as he sits up in bed. He rubs at his head, pressing pressure to his temples and cringing in pain at how painful his headache was. It was too dark to really see around the atmosphere, but he knew this wasn't his room, or his house really. 

"Hello?" He tried to swing his legs over the side of the bed to get up and cautiously explore, but gasps when he feels the tug of restraints against his ankles. He lets out a small screech, tugging at them furiously. He wasn't budging no matter how hard he tried. He had grabbed at the chains, his hands trying desperately to tug them off, but he was still so weak. 

Someone drugged him, it had to be what happened. He's so dizzy he might puke, his heart feels like it's beating overtime, and he can't see straight, everything is in doubles, twisting like the world is on a tilt. 

"Get me out of here!" He screamed when he realized his hands couldn't help, he felt his tears leaking fast down his cheeks. He could taste them like salt against his lips. Now the room felt like it was closing in, like he was going to get smothered by the darkness. He let out another helpless scream. 

But suddenly he's blinded by light, he whips his hands up to cover his eyes, wincing harshly. The blinding light lasts for a few seconds before he slowly lowers his hands and tries to refocus on the silhouette in front of him. 

"Hello, Niall." It was a woman's voice, she sounded old by her slightly scratchy vocal cords. But also wise as she sauntered into the room, hands calmly clasped in front of her. He stiffened, trying to crawl back along the bed, but he just got tugged back down by the chains. 

"Don't start now, you'll be okay. My names Marla." She settled down beside him on the bed, her long grey curly hair draped down her shoulders, her wrinkles formed into new lines when she gave him a small smile. The blond didn't return it. 

"Where am I?" He asks, trying to sound like he isn't scared out of his mind. But he knows his voice wavered. 

"Sunderland. North East England." She gave him a smile, he shifted against the bed, wincing when the chains uncomfortably scraped against his ankles. 

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