| TEN |

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chapter ten

Zayn doesn't know what happened to him last night. It was just so sudden how he was sleeping peacefully besides the possible loves of his life, and then the next second he's having a nightmare that Niall was getting harassed that almost brought him into a panic attack.

He was still shook up about it as he sat in the kitchen, hands cupping a fresh cup of tea that Harry made. He was just consumed in his thoughts and he didn't really know why. It wasn't like it was real, Niall was alive and there was no man, the other three alphas were alive. But it just made him feel wrong inside, like it really did happen.

It made him sick to his stomach, and he couldn't help but place his tea down, losing his appetite for anything.


Louis watched Zayn from his seat in the living room, he could see the alpha hunched over his cup of tea, rubbing at his temples. It was weird and concerning, it made him get up and slowly walk over, a hand coming up and slowly setting itself on Zayn's shoulder, making the tanned alpha flinch and look up from his trance. 

"You okay?" He asked, trying not to address the obvious terror in Zayn's eye when Louis touched him. 

"M'fine, just tired. You know, didn't get much sleep last night." Zayn mumbled, giving Louis a small smile and then turning back around to stare at the inside of his cup, watching the hot liquid ripple inside the porcelain. 

"You look more then just tired." Louis sat himself down beside the slightly younger alpha, trying to poke and prod at the lad till he would finally confess to the actual reason why he was acting so strange. Or hopefully tell him what happened in his nightmare. 

"You know what happened last night, I got spooked by my own dream. It's stupid and petty, just leave it." Zayn grumbled, getting off his chair and leaving the kitchen. 

Louis just sat with his brows crossed, he didn't believe the tanned lad one bit. But he wasn't up for fighting about it, and it probably wasn't that bad. It was a dream and Zayn was an alpha that has gone through many tough times in his life, he'll get over it and forget it by tomorrow. 

So, he just grabbed the tea Zayn forgot and walked to follow the alpha so he could give it back. Not wanting it to waste and have to throw it out. 

"Zayn, sorry just, wanted to give your tea back. I'm not gonna bring the dream up again. I just want us to be happy for this trip, I don't want you looking all gloomy." Louis placed the cup on the living room table, Zayn giving him a thankful smile and taking it back into his hands where he took a sip.

"Come sit, I'm sorry I got all grumpy back there. Again, I'm actually really tired." Zayn chuckled out half-heartedly. He patted the cushion beside him, and Louis couldn't help but comply, settling himself beside the other alpha and snuggling into his side. 

They sat like that in a calm silence for a while, it was nice, the morning breeze ruffling the leaves of the trees was heard from the balcony. The sun that was peaking lightly out of the clouds beaming into the rooms gave everything a calm atmosphere. The two alphas wanted to stay like this forever. 

"I'm getting impatient now." Louis mumbled into Zayn's shoulder suddenly, the other alpha turned his head the best he could, looking confused.

"Impatient? For what?" He chuckled out.

"I want to see Niall, I want to tell him how much we progressed. God Zayn I thought this would take months, I never thought in a million years that this would work out. But here I am wanting to kiss you. And Harry and Liam would say the same." Zayn blushed deeply at Louis' words, turning away so he could hide it. 

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