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chapter twenty
not edited

"What?!" The king screeched and shot out of his throne, glaring at the three women in front of him.
"Two of my main alpha's shot, my son almost shot! Good lord, where are they?" The king asked and the women told him that they were still in the bedroom.
"I understand that you helped my sons in law stay alive. I will double your rations by tomorrow." He said and the women smiled and nodded, bowing and then walking off down the hall towards the front entrance of the castle.
The king didn't hesitate to bolt down the hallways, three guards following him. As they got to the door, the king didn't bother to knock as he burst into the bedroom.
Niall shot up off the bed and screamed, the four alpha's that laid with him all shot up as well and did the instinct to growl and protect.
They relaxed once they realized it was him.
"How are you feeling you two?" The king asked, starring down at Zayn and Harry.
"Fine my king, just a little sore." Zayn said.
The king nodded and looked down towards Harry, who was leaning against Niall with a pained expression.
The king walked towards the young alpha and kneeled down beside him on the bed.
"You were shot where?" The king asked and Niall pointed to Harry's ribcage.
"Goodness." The king sighed and looked back up at Harry. "You need rest, meaning the wedding will be postponed till further notice. You shall be bedridden for a couple days hopefully no longer than a week. After that we will have the wedding as soon as possible." The king said and they all frowned but nodded.
"Now rest my alpha. I shall have nurses check on you every two hours, also some remedy sauce for this poor lad." The king said looking towards one of the guards. The guard nodded and mumbled a "yes sir." And then rushed down the hallway to get the medicine.
"Sleep well." The king said and walked out of the room, the two guards remaining closing the doors to the bedroom behind him.

Harry sighed and slowly lowered himself back onto the bed. Niall curling back up into his side. "Your going to get better and then we can get married." Niall whispered and kissed his temple.
Harry smiled as much as he could and then slowly drifted off back to sleep.


"Thank you." Zayn said to the guard as he came back with the pain killers. The guard only nodded and then walked back down the hallway.
Zayn closed the door and walked over to the bed where Niall and Harry still laid. Louis and Liam went out with some other alpha's and Vera's from the pack to go see if they can catch a sent of the intruder.
Zayn walked to Harry's side and kneeled down, pressing light kisses onto Harry's tanned face.
Harry groaned and blinked rapidly up at him. "Time to take your medicine." Zayn whispered, not wanting to wake up a now sleeping Niall bundled up in Harry's arms.
Harry gave him a stiff nod and tried to lean up as much as possible, letting out a throaty growl as they pain shot up his ribcage. Zayn saw that and shushed Harry, making him settle back down onto the bed.
Zayn helped Harry take the remedy that was probably made from one of the towns elders made. Harry quickly settled back down into the covers, sighing in relief as the cool liquid streamed down his throat and cleansed his painful ribs and skin.
Zayn moved onto the bed, letting out small curses under his breath as he out pressure on his arm wound. But he made it to where his fiancés laid, him folding his arms with Harry's around Niall's waist.


The sound of paws pounding the earth came from the forest as the king waited outside with four guards. Now he needed to be protected because of what happened to the alpha's, which he was not happy about but the village would insist.
The wolves came into view from the tree lines, a howl from one of the two largest wolves in the pack told the king that no, they hadn't found tracks or smelt anything.
The two large wolves came towards the king, one with light brown fur that was straight and fluffy looking and dark blue eyes that almost fully hid the wolves pupils, the other wolf a small bit bigger and broader than the other one with short fur and light brown orbs that sparkled in the sunlight as the wolf stared into the king.
"It hasn't rained in a week, the sent should have been easy to find. Unless this wolf knows what it's doing." Liam telepathed to the king and the king nodded and said out loud.
"What if it wasn't a wolf that attacked them?" He mumbled and the two wolves looked at each other and then back at the king.
"It would have been easier to find them then. Human's are stupid and have no attention span when it came to hiding." Louis said the telepath echoed through the kings mind.
"Ah, but not all humans are stupid alpha. This man could have a sent spray that knocks out the wolves sent, like peppermint or a minty sent. That ruins a wolves smelling abilities easily." The king said out loud and the two wolves growled in understanding. "We didn't smell anything minty or strong that blocked our sense of smell..." Liam telepathed and the king nodded once again. He had to look up speaking to the two alpha wolves, they were taller than a human by a couple feet.
"Call the wolf howl from the cliff. Make sure that the human's and the colony wolf pack on the other side hear it. I want all four of you alpha's there, as well as my son. I shall come with you to the cliff for the treaty meeting." The king said and both wolves nodded.
The king took off his cloak, pants and dress shirt, he started to run into the forest the two alpha wolves already in front of him.
The king in the blink of an eye transformed into a wolf with dark brown fur, larger than any wolf or human. He was the king, he was larger than anything.

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