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chapter eighteen
not edited

Zayn launched into the other alpha wolf, knocking the equally strong wolf to the ground.
That sent the other alpha's and beta's into a complete frenzy.
Liam and Harry attacked first after Zayn's blow, both going for the alpha's. Louis fought the beta's as they came charging at them, Louis bringing his head under their chests and throwing the weaker beta's like ragdolls into the air.
You could hear the sound of whinning, wolves being injured. Howls of anger and growls of rage.
But suddenly, a deep, and rageful howl came from the end of the dirt road.
Every wolf stopping and looking as the king waltzed over.
In wolf form.
The wolf's grey eyes flared with rage. The king much stronger and larger than even the alpha's. The wolf looked from a nightmare.
"Who gives you the right to fight my pack?!" He roars into all the wolves minds, probably heard from miles upon miles away. That was the power of the king leader of the colony.
"Answer me you mutts!" The wolf roared once again and a low growl came through his clentched, sharp teeth.
"We want your son. And we will get him, not matter what you say!" The alpha wolf that Zayn was fighting said, echoing through the minds of the packs.
Then, in a flash the evil wolf pack disappeared over a stream that seperated the two colonies.

The king let out a bark and growled towards the stream, cursing in the alpha's minds.
The pack just stood there, cursing themselves for letting such wolves get away.
"Do a search of the land, don't come back until you four find nothing of a wolf." The king growled and then pointed his snout towards the kngdom to the three alpha's in training. All three of them lowering their heads and whinning as they trotted off down the road, the king walking with pride.

The four lovers starred at each other, Harry letting out a low whine.
Zayn wanted to growl at him but knew that wasnt the best choice. He knew what he did wrong, he turned into a fucking beta move and let his rage take the best of him.
He trotted down into the forest and off the dirt road, Louis following him, Liam and Harry heading the other way.
"I don't understand, why do people want him. He's ours and only-" Louis whispered through his mind but Zayn growled low in his throat.
"I know what they want, Niall is unique 'a gift from god' is what the colony called him. No king has ever had a prince. The legend clearly says that impossible. And to have a prince that is god's given gift from the heavens is treasured forever. Niall should be locked up in a cell with fifty thousands locks on it and bars that are as thick as poles stuck to the windows. And what do you think it would be if you were chosen to mate and marry such prized posssesion. To have that beauty from the heavens give birth to your children. You would be considered the luckiest man in the wolf world." Zayn echoed back to Louis. It wasn't for bragging rights, no, it was to tell the truth. The dangers of falling deeply in love and marrying such a delicate and prized royal omega.
Louis didn't say anything, but he knew that he understood what Zayn meant.
They were in great danger of getting murdered, or Niall getting kidnapped even if they were mated and Niall was claimed.

Liam and Harry trotted through the woods, stopping and sniffing the summer breeze. It wasn't hard to find a wolf in this weather even though it was hot. The winter is horrible with stuffy noses and snow covered fur for unreadable scents. But the summer had wolves running with sweat coated bodies, noses clear as day as it sniffs the air for the strong scents. Alphs's stronger than all wolves, beta's more stinky then strong, omega's smell like flowers... only because of the hormones and deep mating season coming.
But they both smelt nothing but the summer air.
They stopped at the meeting point to meet up with their other two soon to be husbands.

The four alpha's met up and walked back to the kingdom, silently and not speaking to each other. Zayn didn't want to tell his other two fiance's yet.
The got to the kingdom to see that nothing had changed in mood, people still rushing around and designing the castle for the wedding. Men carring large furniture of royal objects for their mates. Children helping pick flowers and hang them on the reafs.
The four men quickly turned into wolves, alpha's already waiting for them as the walked over to them, the three alpha's in training from back at the dirt road.
"The prince is awaiting for you boys in the room." He said and the four nodded walking off towards the castle.
They walked into the front entrance and imeadiatly saw the king standing their waiting for them, in human form.
"Did you check the full area?" He asked sternly and they all nodded.
"Every stream?" The nodded.
"Smelt the ground and looked for prints?" The nodded again.
The king gave them a weiry look but nodded stiffly.
"I want my son safe on the wedding day and on the mating day. All of the fully trained members of the pack will be there, making sure that all of you are safe. Keeping a distance on the mating day, but just enough for the soldiers to make sure no one comes in or out of the kingdom except for me and me and Niall's royal servants." The king said and they nodded again.
"Good." He said and then walked off down the hallway to the throne room.

The four alpha's walked down the hallway and stopped at the door to their room.
Looking at each other and then slowly opening the door they look in to find no sign of Niall, but suddenly see the small figure in the french doors entering the balcony.
They all smiled and walked onto the balcony, Liam coming up behind Niall and hugging him close. Niall gasping and holding onto Liam's arms to pry them off but relaxes at Liam's kind shushes.
It sickens them to think that their weak and vulnerbale lover is now scared to death of everything.

They look out from the balcony, Harry scanning the area and smiling down at the ginning people who seem more into the wedding then he's ever seen.
He also smiled at the children, thinking about when he would get to the new born baby that was made by him and Niall. His other three alpha lovers holding their sperm-made new born.
But his smile turned into a deep frown once he noticed the man with the bow and arrow amming at the balcony.
He couldn't stop it as the arrow flew right into his ribs.
His ear piercing scream ripped through the air. Everyone stopped, the man, the women, the children.

Everyone watched as there soon to be alpha king collapsed onto the balcony.


A.N :

Send my prompts!

I have a short stories book posted and want some prompts!
If you like my writing then send me some prompts and I can write some Niall-centric stories for you!

~ Direction_Minx ~

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