| SIX |

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chapter six

The four alphas finally get to the cabin, a large, cedar wood building polished and carved to perfection, some truly fit for royalty, even though it looked nothing close to a castle.

The driver handed out their luggage, giving them all a simple nod before hopping back onto the carriage, whipping the rope to the horses, and driving off down the road.

They all turned back towards the cabin, a large, red door sitting at the end of the small rock pathway, the entrance to where they'll be staying for the next couple of days.


They all found small things to occupy themselves as they got into the cabin, Harry searching through the cabinets, that were fully stocked with food for them. Louis sat in the living room, searching through a small magazine folder, since there was no electronics in the house, again, no modern day things in the minds of the royals.

Zayn was unpacking his clothes upstairs, setting them on the hangers and folding them. And then Liam, who was walking aimlessly around the house, grazing his hands along the walls or across tables, it was pure silence around the house, even though their was four alpha's packed into it.

He turned into the kitchen, stopping to watch Harry pluck a apple from a fruit bowl in the middle of the table and clean it in the sink. Once he finished, he took a large bite out of it before whipping around, flinching when he finally noticed Liam in the room. They still weren't very sure about each other, they've been friends for so long, not lovers.

They stood in a silence for a second before Harry let out a deep sigh and walked past him, showing a small sign that he wanted him to follow.

They found their selves in the living room, Louis was still sat on the couch, but had now settled the magazine folder on the ground, probably lost interest.

"What should we do? Where do we start?" Harry turned his back to them, staring out the large window that took up most of the one wall to the room.

Liam sat himself down across from Louis, watching the older alpha think on Harry's words.

"I've chatted up many omega girls and boys, but never, alpha's." Louis spoke, and Liam had to agree, it just wasn't normal to flirt or even really be close friends with alpha's.

Harry was still staring out the window, arms crossed over his chest, the apple still in his hand as he chewed slowly. All the boys seemed to be thinking hard, they agreed to try, but how do they try when they didn't even know how to start all this?

Zayn walks into the room, awkwardly standing at the doorway, watching the three alpha's look so stern.

"I guess there's someway to start." He said, breaking the silence. And the three alpha's whipped their heads up to meet with Zayn, who seemed to be blushing.

"What?" Louis asked, getting up from the couch and standing in front of the other alpha, Harry turned around from the window, taking another bite out of his apple.

"I'll show you." He says simply, nodding his head to the stairs and then disappearing around the corner, Louis following right after. Then Harry, and then Liam.


"Oh." Liam said simply as he walked in, all the alpha's stared at the one and only bed in the whole house. A large king sized bed with a large white duvet with big fluffy pillows, it looked very relaxing, but was it going to be with four alpha's on the bed?

"We're all sharing a room." Zayn mumbled, moving to the bed and settling himself down on it. Louis moved to the French doors that opened into a balcony, looking down along the tree tops of the forest.

"I really hope this works out" Harry mumbles, he was staring down at the flooring, his apple now fully eaten, just the core in his hands.

Liam slowly settled a hand on his mates shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. Harry just gave him a tight smile.

"We signed up for this, if it doesn't work out, we can see who gets the prince for theirselves." Liam said, it was supposed to sound helpful, but he knew the boys all cringed. None of them wanted to fight for the blond beauty, that would be way worse then trying to fall in love.

And silently, without actually saying it. The boys made a promise to themselves to try. And they became slightly more determined.

Blue MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora