#45 I wish... (Requested Luke Preference!)

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Luke: Being insecure and having a rock star boyfriend probably wasn't the best decision, and you told yourself that from the beginning. But Luke said all the right things. He made you feel like no one else mattered. He made you feel as though you were the only girl he'd ever even set eyes on. But of course, just like you knew he would, he broke your heart. It was just a normal day. But your world came shattering down. "I wish I could take it back.." Luke kept saying while you sat dazed in front of him at the table, not sure if what he admitted was true. "There's no excuse. I wish I could take it back. I wish I wouldn't have gone out that night. I don't know what I was thinking." His eyes looked apologetic, but how could you trust anything he said anymore? "Please Y/N. Say something." He begged you. You didn't like the sound of that. You needed comforting. He was the one who messed up. Why should he get forgiveness? "You're perfect Luke." You said back and he looked confused. "You're perfect... And smart. You know exactly what to say to make me believe every fucking lie that comes out of your mouth. Well, I wish too. I wish that I could hate you. I wish I could hate everything we did. I wish that I could hate your dimples. I wish that I could hate your soft hair. I wish that I could hate they way you held me in your arms when we cuddle and those big eyes that I used to think I would do anything for. I wish I could hate the late nights, and the early mornings. I wish that I could hate the way your nose ruffles when you're mad, or the way that you can't wait for Thursday's when the Kardashians is on. I wish that I could hate your smile, or even just the way you look at me. I wish that I could hate what we were. But the truth is, no matter how bad you fucked up.. No matter how much you fucked me over, I can't. And the reason is because I can't hate you. And I hate myself for that." You stood, ready to leave before the tears really came. "Y/N.. It was stupid. She didn't mean anything to me." He pleaded, standing with you. "Clearly I didn't either." You said, running out the door.

Luke feels today.. So here's a requested preference. Enjoy! Xx

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