#24 He Acts Tough

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Ashton: "AHHHH! ASH GET IN HERE NOW!" You squealed from your bedroom. Seconds later you heard feet running down the hallway, then Ashton appeared in the doorway with a baseball bat in hand. "What? Who is it? I'll kill him!" You giggled from your spot on the bed and placed your hand on your forehead. "Ash, it's just a spider. You know I hate spiders. Can you kill it?" He dropped the bat and shook his head. "This bat won't do. I need to go put on my SmAsh costume to take down this monster." And with that he zoomed off down the hallway, returning a few minutes later in the costume. "My hero!" You cried out. "Hold on my lady! I must save the cat first!" "Ashton, stop talking about the cat." You giggled. "That was a big ass cat!"

Michael: "No thank you." You said to the guy at the bar for the fifth time tonight. "Come on. A pretty thing like you must have come to the bar to have fun/" He snickered placing a hand on your hip. "No, I'm waiting for my friend. Please, leave me alone." You pushed him away, but he came back, this time pulling your body into his. "Don't be a bitch." He whispered. "Get off me!" You screamed, trying to push him off of you but failing miserably. "Hey you dick she said to leave her alone." A guy with bright pink hair appeared next to you, shoving the guy away from you. "Who are you? Like I'm going to listen to someone with pink hair. Back off." You backed up as the guy made his way closer to you yet again. Seeing your apprehension he rolled his eyes and walked away calling behind him "Whatever she's a bitch anyways." "Thanks." You sighed turning to the cute guy with pink hair. "No problem. I'm Michael." "Y/N. That was brave." You laughed, sitting back on the bar stool. "Well, may have looked that way. Truth is I was scared shitless." You both laughed, spending the rest of the night getting to know your night in shining armor.

Calum: "Cal, will you please pass me another tissue?" You asked again while watching My Sister's Keeper. "Don't you need one?" You asked as you cuddled closer to his body. "Nope." He sternly replied. You shrugged it off and continued to watch the movie. A few days later when you were cleaning the house you noticed a pile of tissues stuck behind the couch cushions. "Babe? What are these from?" You asked Calum when he saw you pulling the pile from the couch. "Shit. Forgot about those." He sighed, covering his face with his hands. "Calum Hood, Mr. Toughy. Were you crying during the movie the other night?" You grinned evilly at him waiting for a reply. "Ok! Maybe I was! That was a sad movie! But don't tell the boys! They'll make fun..." You began hysterically laughing. "Oh, Cal. You will NEVER live this down."

Luke: "This is really sketchy. Please tell me why we weren't allowed to bring either of our phones?" It was pitch black, and you and Luke were camping out in the middle of the forest. He wanted alone time with you, and apparently the middle of the woods was the only place to make that happen. "Because Y/N. I don't want anyone bothering us. I haven't seen you in months." He closed the zipper to the tent and climbed into the sleeping bag with you. "Yeah but what if- What was that." You sat up, alarmed by the sounds coming from outside the tent. "Oh my God. It's a bear and he's come to eat us." You began freaking out while Luke tried to calm you down. "It's ok. Let me go check it out." He grabbed the flashlight from the bag and walked back outside, searching around for the campsite intruder. "AHHH!" "Luke!" You screamed, jumping from the sleeping bag and out to see what happened. "Really.." You chuckled seeing your boyfriend crouched down with his head covered. In front of him was a small little bunny staring up at you. "A bunny Hemmings? Wow." He peeked up in front of him to see the creature. "Ok, in my defense all I saw was his shadow and it was huge."

If you don't get Ashton's cat reference then I just.... Just get out of my kitchen.

Not really.

I still love you.

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