#30 You go to McDonalds

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Although you were dating Luke, some days you felt more like his babysitter than his girlfriend. Ashton, Calum, and Michael went to find a place to sit while you and Luke ordered your food. You were about to tell the cashier what you wanted when Ashton came barreling around the corner half screaming, "Luke! They have a PlayPlace!" Luke eyes widened with excitement. He then turned to you hoping that it would be okay if he went to play with Ashton. "You know what happened last time," you started. You wanted to tell him no, but you couldn't resist his pleading big blue eyes. "Alright, I guess," you gave in, rolling your eyes, "but you have to come eat when I call for you." "Thank you (Y/N)!" Luke thanked you and gave you a peck on the cheek before running off with Ashton, undoubtedly going to get stuck in the tunnels. (I hope you got the reference!)


Just because you and Ashton were older than the other boys it didn't mean that you had to be grown up all the time. "So what do you want for lunch, (Y/N)?" Ashton asks. "A Happy Meal!" You say, giggling. Ashton can't help but flash a smile, showing his dimples. He loves it when you act extra cute, and when you do, he would do anything to keep you happy. "To Macca's!" He shouts, taking your hand while dramatically pointing forward with his other arm. You get a 4-piece McNugget Happy Meal while Ashton opted for the bigger Double Cheeseburger Mighty Kids Meal. After eating all of your food (like the good kids you are) you get out your toys. Since you got the Barbie toy, you make your toy walk around the table while Aston drive his Hot Wheels car all over the table, walls, and your arms making car noises. You loved how you and Ashton could be amused by the little things in life.


Since you got to be with Calum on tour you also got the privilege of getting up super early to catch early morning flights. Your flight was scheduled to leave at 7:30 in the morning, but you were at the airport an hour and a half early to make sure you'd have enough time to get through security. After finding your gate you plopped yourself down between Calum and Michael. "Babe, do you want anything? Luke and I are gonna walk around for a bit." Calum asked. "No. I will be sleeping right here until we board." You replied while crossing your arms and getting as comfortable as you could. Calum just grinned at your response because he knew you weren't a morning person. About 20 minutes later you felt a gentle tapping while hearing someone call your name. "Are we supposed to board now?" you ask, yawning. Calum chuckled, "No sweetheart" you glared at your boyfriend. "But I DID get you some breakfast from Macca's to make up for you having to get up extra early!" It was cute at how easily excited he got, so you couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Calum. I guess waking up before noon does have some advantages."


You and Michael didn't have to go to fancy restaurants or spend a lot of money to have a nice time. To celebrate your one-year anniversary of dating, you decided to have dinner at McDonalds. "I'll have the Bacon & Ranch salad with grilled chicken and a medium strawberry banana smoothie. How about you, babe?" you ask, turning to your boyfriend. "Well, I think I will have the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal with large fries and drink and an extra double cheeseburger, please." After Michael paid you gave him a surprised look because you couldn't believe that one person could eat that much. "What? I'm a growing boy!" he responded, knowing what that look was for. "Michael Clifford you are 18 years old. The only growing you'll be doing is sideways," you say shaking your head. Now it was his turn to look surprised. "Well then I will be even more huggable!" You couldn't help but smile at his logic. "It's a good thing I love hugs. And you," you say, wrapping your arms around him, resting your cheek on his chest.

** I just had to write something about McDonald's/Macca's, especially since I work there...

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-Becky :)

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