#49 Scary Movies

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Luke: "Alright, il be right back. I have to pee." You stood from your spot on the couch but Luke tugged on your arm. "You can't go." He whined. "I'm too scared." You chuckled, pulling from his grip. "It's just a movie. You'll be fine." You walked to the bathroom, blowing a kiss behind you. A few minutes later when you returned to the couch he was gone. "Luke?" You called out. The flat seemed to be empty. The TV played, a few screams escaping the speakers. "Luke..?" You called again, getting a little more spooked. Of course he was hiding, but where exactly? You made your way into the dark kitchen, fumbling for the light switch. "Luke this isn't funny." Your voice shook. Behind you you heard a loud bang. Your arms filled with goosebumps as you turned to see. Nothing. Your body was frozen, afraid to go anywhere. "Luke..." You tried one last time. You suddenly couldn't move as you stood in the middle of the kitchen. "BOO." A pair hands grabbed your waist and pulled you down. The volume of your scream could probably be heard from the next flat over. "GOD LUKE YOU'RE A DICK!" You laughed, turning around to face him. "Aww, come on babe. It's just a movie. You'll be fine."

Calum: "AHHHHHHHHH!" You both screamed, pulling your bodies closer to each other. "What the hell was that?!" You and Calum, despite your fears, decided to watch Insidious. You two weren't huge into scary movies, but it was after all an excuse to cuddle. "NO NO NO NO NO NO NOPE NO NOPE." You two had both been yelling profanities at the screen the entire time, hoping that it would make a difference, but of course it didn't. "Why are we watching this again?!" You peeped from the crook of his neck, unable to look back at the screen. "Because we wanted to cuddle..." He sighed. "How about we cuddle to a not scary movie!" You laughed, carefully stepping off the couch, avoiding the monsters under it, and walking to the DVD player. "How about 21 Jumpstreet?" "Is there any ghosts in it?" Calum innocently asked. "No.." You giggled. "Great. Then put it in and get back over here. I'm still scared."

Ashton: You and Ashton had been arguing about which movie to watch for the past hour, and so far none of them were cutting it for either of you. "No, I won't. You can't make me." You pouted when he held up The Haunting in Connecuit. "Babe, it's probably not even that scary. It's only rated PG-13. The really scary ones are rated R." You thought for a minute and said "Fine." To avoid having to find another. 30 minutes later and you were loving the movie. Ashton, on the other hand, looked as if he was about to cry. "Oh, come on baby. It's just a movie." You nudged him on the arm. "IT'S SCARY OK!" He snapped back, covering his eyes with his hands. "Aww, Ashy. Come here sweetie." He cuddled up into your chest and you played with his hair. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." You couldn't wait until the morning when you could tell the other boys about this.

Michael: "We don't have to if you don't want to." He said, waiting for your response before putting the movie in the player. You thought for a minute, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and nodding. "I want to." Michael had been buzzing about watching Paranormal Activity since he got home from tour. They watched the first one on the bus and now he wanted to watch the rest. He climbed on the couch, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around your waist, then whispered in your ear "I've got ya." He held you tight the entire time, squeezing a little tighter when he could tell you were nervous. He even let you bury your head into his neck when you didn't want to watch anymore. By the end of the movie the space in between you and Michael was non existent. "You up for the third?" He tipped his head down and asked you, placing a kiss to your forehead. "Only if you promise to hold me like this again.

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