#3 You Do A Twitcam With Him

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Ashton: "Babe, say hi!" As you walked into the house you saw Ashton and Luke on the couch, in front of the laptop, doing a twit cam. "Hello!" You smile and wave into the camera. "That's my girlfriend. Isn't she cute?" Ash says. You hang up your coat and bag, then make your way over to the couch. "Move over loser." You say, nudging Ash in the arm. You scroll through the twitter questions as Luke and Ashton converse about random things. "No, we don't have a dog. Ashton did you say we have a dog?" You look at him, inquiring about all the tweets about your and Ash's new dog. "It's right here!" Luke says, pulling a stuffed dog from his lap. "RUFF." "They have all named him Mikey." You laughed. "They named a dog Mikey. Michael's going to be honored." You reached over to Luke and grabbed the crisps from his hand. "You wanna see how we annoy Y/N?" Ashton says, obviously receiving silence. He began to shove your head, nudging you until you almost fall off the couch. "You wanker." You say, shoving him back. "If you two weren't dating I'd guess that you two hate each other." Ashton laughs as he reads the tweet aloud. "We're really mean to each other. We're kind of like brother and sister... But not really cause she's my girlfriend and not my sister.. That'd be weird." Ashton wraps his arms around your shoulders and squeezes you, your face squishing. He gave you a kiss on the head. You continued to derp in front of the camera for a while and then realized that #AshAndY/NAreTheCutestCouple was trending.

Michael: "Fuck. Try again." You sat on your bed in front of the laptop. Michael stood behind it, attempting to throw popcorn into your mouth. "WOOOO." You screamed when one finally landed in your mouth. "That's how we do things." You scrolled through the questions, answering a few as you went along. "Do you guys want to hear a joke?" Michael rolled onto the bed, landing next to you. "Louis told me this joke the other day. What did the fish say when he ran into the wall?" Michael looked at you, smiling. "I have absolutely no idea." "Dam." He stated simply. You both laughed a little harder than you should have. "Oh God. Idea. How about you guys tweet us lame jokes and we'll read our favorite ones." You two laughed at all the lame jokes and #LameJokesTwitcam became a tradition for the two of you.

Luke: Luke strummed away on his guitar, Calum and Michael were sitting in the back and Ash was taking charge of the twitcam as usual. You walked over to the boys, pushing Luke's guitar out of the way and climbing on his lap. "Oh, look guys. Y/N's here. Say hi to Y/N." Ashton said. You picked up the guitar and started strumming the chords that Luke was teaching you. "Guys, we've been teaching Y/N to play the guitar. And we have an announcement." Ash stated clapping his hands. "Y/N is joining our band! WOO!" Calum jumped up and down on the couch. "Y/N SING!" Calum demanded. Ash turned the camera so it could see you better. You began to play and sing "Beside you", Luke grinning, proud of your progress. As you finished #Y/NIn5SOS was trending.

Calum: "Y/N..." You stirred, Calum's voice waking you from your sleep. "Calum, no." You knew exactly what he wanted. He was doing a twit cam and he wanted you to join, but it had been a long day and you were tired. "Y/n, you're on camera!" You opened your eyes to see the laptop looking back at you. Cal sat next to you on the bed. You sat up, realizing that now you couldn't escape him. "Cal. I hate you." You laid on his arm, reading the tweets that were coming in. "Ah. See?" You pointed to the screen. "'Cal, why'd you wake Y/N up? She looked so cute sleeping!'" You quoted the tweet, sticking your tounge out at him. "I just missed you." He leaned over and kissed you on the top of the head. You both laughed and answered questions until some point when you fell asleep. You awoke to the trend #Y/NIsACuteSleeper

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