#46 I Wish.. (Pt. 2) (Requested Luke Preference!)

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Luke: You felt as if he hadn't cared about you at all. He knew you were insecure. He knew it took everything you had inside of you to be with him, because you were so afraid of a broken heart. He knew how you felt about him, and still.. That night, that one night when he should have been home with you, he chose her. And you weren't sure you could ever forgive him for that. About a month later you were at a friends party, when you heard a familiar voice behind you. "He's miserable you know." "What?" You said turning around to see Ashton and Calum. "He's miserable? HE'S MISERABLE?" You practically screamed. "He's not the one who got cheated on. Leave me alone." You tried to walk away but Calum tugged on your arm. "Y/N please just.. Listen to us. It wasn't Luke's fault." "Of course it wasn't." You scoffed, attempting to leave again but again being stopped. "No Y/N. You don't understand." Ashton said this time. "Ashley.. The girl.. She.. Took advantage of him. He was absolutely smashed, we all were. And he didn't-" "and he didn't know what he was doing and he couldn't even remember the next morning. You idiots had to tell him. Yeah. I know. He told me all this already. Doesn't change the fact that he CHEATED on me." You said one last time. "Now let me go." You motioned to where Calum had you by the wrist and he quickly released you. "Just please... For us. As a favor to your friends.. Can you please just talk to him? We miss you too Y/N." Their eyes pleaded to you. You had to admit, you missed them too. When you and Luke dated, it was like you gained an extra three boyfriends on top of that. They were your best friends, and when you let go of Luke, you let them go too. "I'll think about it." You said finally, not being able to dodge their eyes anymore. "Thanks." Ashton breathed out. They hugged you before you walked away, leaving the party, not in the mood any longer. The drive back to you flat was long. You couldn't stop thinking about Luke, the one person who you had spent the last month trying to get out of your head. Truth is though, he never left. How could he? You were the new you because of Luke. He made you someone new, gave you confidence. 

You were surprised when you walked into your flat to see the kitchen light on, sure that you hadn't neglected to turn it off. When you peeked around the corner you saw Luke sitting in silence. There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and his usually perfect hair was an absolute mess. His eyes looked tired, something you'd never seen before, even on the longest most sleepless nights of his busy schedule. Something about him made you think it wasn't him for just a second. The Luke you knew appeared to be missing from the body that sat before you. "I should have figured you'd show up here after your idiot friends practically pinned me down." You threw your keys to the bench and went to sit down in front of him. He didn't make eye contact at first. His hands were fidgeting. His shoulders were tense. "Yeah." He finally spoke. "Ashton texted me... He told me he saw you. And that pissed me off." Confusion pulled over your face as you leaned back in your chair. "Would you mind explaining why?" His eyes finally met yours as he broke the silence again. "Because. Because I knew that after he talked to you, you'd have no problem seeing them. You'd have no problem hanging out with them and pretending like nothing even happened. But me.. You can't even look at me." "I'm looking at you now Luke. You look like shit." He slammed his hand on the table, and pulled his fingers through his hair and out of his face. "That's not what I meant. You can't look at me with that look. You can't look at me with all that love and admiration in your eyes. You don't have the hope. You used to look at me so intensely, that I thought you might burn a hole in my forehead." He looked away again. "You used to look at me and it would tell me that you loved me more than anything in this world." You felt a tear in the corner of your eye but quickly wiped it away. You refused to let him see you crumble for him one more time. "You're right. I did. But not anymore." You're heart hurt. At least he knew. "I'm so sorry Y/N." You saw a tear roll down his cheek. "I'm so sorry. I know that that doesn't even begin to cover it. I know that I fucked up so bad I know that the last thing you want is me in front of you begging and pleading because that's the last thing you deserve. You deserve a man who's going to treat you right." He stood, slamming the chair, and began pacing around the room. "You deserve someone who will be there for you, and who loves you in more ways than he can count. You deserve someone who not only wants you, but needs you." He shook his head, stopped in his track and looked down at his feet. "I just wish I wasn't so stupid to prove that I could be that someone." He looked at you again, this time with tears running down his hot red cheeks. His hands shook now, visibly shaken. What were you supposed to do? You wanted to scream and cry and throw something at him and make out with him all at the same time. "So, what? You want me to forgive you? You want me to say Ok and just go on like nothing happened? You want me to be ok with the fact that some girl had her hands all over you while I was here at home, waiting for you to come back?" You couldn't stop the tears anymore. His eyes were intent on you, saddened seeing what he had done to you. "I'm sorry Y/N. That's all I came here to say. I came here to say that given the chance I would show you what you really mean to me. I came here to say that I hope whatever happens, that you'll be happy. And I hope that one day you can find someone who deserves you because he needs to be one hell of a guy. I came here to say... I love you." He ran his hand through his hair one more time. "Goodbye Y/N." And then he walked out, leaving you stunned. Surely, you didn't need him. What he did was beyond excuseable. He lied. He cheated. He made a fool of you. The tears blurred your vision as you tried to think of your next move.

"Luke!! Wait!!" 

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