The New Recruit

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Shay lazily blinked in the dimming light, looking around she realized she had fell asleep in the car. She looked at Adalyn and refrained from asking the inevitable question. Though threw the dim light Adalyn had caught the glance, “It’s coming up soon. I can see the gates from here.” Shay followed her gaze out the window. She saw what Adalyn was talking about, ahead of them was a tall brick fence that looked like it was hiding an orchard. Connecting the walls was a coal like gate, in which opened as the car approached them.

                They drove past trees into the drive way in the shadow of the huge manor. Shay marveled at the black mansion as the car came to a stop. Feeling the car being set into park Shay unhooked her seat belt. She heard the driver door open as Adalyn exited the car. Shay grabbed her bag and climbed out of the car herself. She trailed slightly behind Adalyn as they faced the mansion.  She followed Adalyn up to the front door,” This is Black Manor, the sector seven kids live here. This will be your new home.” Shay watched as Adalyn opened one of the doors and walked inside.

                The house seemed bigger on the inside as Shay followed Adalyn to the kitchen. In the large kitchen there was a woman franticly searching for something. “Irene.”The woman seemed to cringe at the sound of Adalyn’s voice. She turned to face them obviously shocked to see Adalyn. “Adalyn we went expecting you till later…” The lady shifted uncomfortably. "She was willing to corporate so it did not take as long as I thought." Adalyn said with a small glance at Shay. Looking away like she did not notice the gaze, Shay got the feeling if she would have denied the lady's request she still would have wound up at the manor. "I see." Irene said as if she had just swallowed something bitter. "Where is Lance? I need to speak with him." Adalyn seemed to be loosening her patience with the woman rather quickly. Irene looked away from Adalyn as she said quietly with a sigh, "He is in the lab." Adalyn gave a slight nod of approval," As he should be." She shot a glance at Irene and said to Shay," Irene will show you to your room Shay. I have maters to discuss with my brother." Adalyn stalked out of the kitchen leaving Shay with Irene.  

      Irene gave a sigh as she shook her head. She looked back at Shay, who tried to smile back. "Shay right?" She asked kindly," I'm glad to finally be able to meet you, I'm Irene Anderson." Shay was slightly puzzled at the comment 'finally'. This woman acted as if she had been preparing for a while to meet her. Irene must have sensed Shay’s suspicions, because her brow furrowed. She seemed to have noticed she had said something wrong and took a quick glance over her shoulder. "Yes though," Shay said falsely ignoring the comment," nice to meet you to Irene." The lady smiled brightly, looking as if she was not going to press her luck and try for Shay's last name. Yet even if she would have tried Shay would not have given her last name, as far as she was convinced it was no use to her anyways. "Here Shay follow me we have a room for you." Irene said turning as she walked out of the kitchen. 

     Shay followed Irene up a flight of stairs on to the second floor of black manor. She followed her down a large hallway with many doors and finally stopped at one. "This will be your room." Irene said as she opened the door. Shay stepped into the room looking at a black set of Chester drawers and black book shelf filled with different books. The bed was already made with a tree branch design on the black comforter. There was a window seal with a great view outside of the manor. 

     "The only thing about this room is it is a bit dark..." Irene said flicking on the light. Shay sat her back pack down on the window seal," It's not very dark, I like it." Shay turned back to Irene who smiled kindly. 

      Then there was a disturbance in the hall as the sound of footsteps approached the room. Irene came into the room clearing out of the way of the door way. Soon Adalyn entered the room with a brown haired man. His green eyes shown with harsh regret, but with in a flash it was gone. His sharp green eyes met Shay's but even though they never broke eye contact, shay felt him almost examining her. "You must be Shay." He said coolly not breaking eye contact. "Yes... I take it you're Adalyn's brother." Shay said trying to sound thankful to the stranger. Lance gave a quick smirk and turned to Adalyn, "I can work with her. The process might be difficult," he threw a quick glance," and painful, but she will be useful." Shay felt a sharp stab in her stomach as if something was warning her, but she ignored it and only stared back at the man. She was not entirely convinced about the 'powers' or whatever Adalyn had mentioned but she felt like there was a bit more to black manor than they were showing her. 

Altered: Shay's BackstoryWhere stories live. Discover now