Not Goodbye

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< Three Days Later>

                Shay blinked as bright light antagonized her eyes. She looked to her side to see a white wall, her eyes narrowed as she realized she was not in her room. She sat up, quickly regretting it as a headache pounded in response. She raised a hand to rub her temples; she winced as she found her arm incredibly sore along with the rest of her body. As she raised her hand her wrist caught her eye. Upon further inspection she found red marks imbedded into her skin. It seemed as if she had been restrained tightly, she touched the marks to find the pain that accompanied them. She groaned as she shook her head, ignoring the soreness. What had happened? Was her main question, along with, why was she in a holding cell?

                Shay shakily planted her feet on the floor, forcing herself off the bed. She looked over to the only door in the room inspecting it. She walked over to the door with difficulty; her muscles demanded that she not move much. She stumbled to the door catching the door knob to steady herself. She tried to turn it, but found it was locked. Slightly angered and confused as to why she was confined to her white prison, Shay pounded at the door. Its metallic clanking echoed threw out the cell as she did so. She waited in silence, carefully listening for footsteps outside of the door. Nothing. She banged her fist on the door, panic growing in her stomach.

                Finally Shay heard footsteps coming to the door; she inhaled taking the new scent. Recognizing the scent as Lance, Shay took a step back from the door. She heard the beeping of keys as the door hissed open reveling Lance. He looked at her trying to keep from glaring, Shay’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What?” Shay asked as she tried to figure Lance out. He just shook his head,” I see you’re finally awake.”  “Yeah,” Shay said eyes narrowing as she questioned Lance further,” What happened? Why am I in here?” Lance looked at the room as if seeing past its walls,” So you don’t remember? We where testing out your morph. I made a break though; Adalyn even flew in to see my progress. Though your bug must have malfunctioned.” Lance seemed to unleash his glare at the talk of her bug. Shay grit her teeth as she looked away, again the bug set her back, but this time it had left her without a memory of what even happened. “How long have I been out? And why am I in a holding cell?” Shay questioned throwing a glance at Lance. “You where put in here so you would not cause harm to others or yourself. You have been out for around three days or so.” Lance said glancing at Shay’s red wrists. Harm to others? What was that suppose to mean? Shay was about to question further, but Lance silenced her,” Do you plan to stay her for much longer?” Shay shook her head and walked shakily out of the cell.

                They walked up stairs into the manor in silence, Shay saw everyone gathered in the kitchen. They groggily went about their business; except Irene who was rushing about trying to prepare breakfast for everyone. Shay looked to see Adalyn slightly slouched in a chair over a cup of coffee; she was wrapped in bandages and was covered in cuts. Alan looked up from his plate as he noticed Shay and Lance entering the kitchen,” Shay!” Everyone looked up warmly welcoming the two into the room; Adalyn Just sipped her coffee trying not to glare at Shay.

                Shay was met by a double hug from Vaporie and Karma, “good to see you’re finally awake sleepy head!” Karma said as she clung on tightly. “Yeah thank goodness… I feel like I got hit by a truck.” Shay said as they released her. Adalyn scoffed quietly as she got up,” Lance I will be having my coffee on the balcony if you need me.” She left the kitchen taking her mug with her; Shay looked at Vaporie for some sort of answer. She just shrugged hinting at Adalyn’s bloodied bandages,” She was attacked by something. We aren’t sure what though we all were out for ice cream when it happened. Truthfully Shay, we where hopping to ask you if you had seen anything.” Shay tried to remember but found her memory blank of such a thing, she shook her head as she whispered,” I don’t remember anything, but I bet you anything it was some sort of monster that Lance created.” “What ever it was, it left some ugly gashes on Adalyn. We all came home and she was limping out of the lab with Lance. It must have gotten to both of them because even Lance looked hurt.” Vaporie said throwing a glance at Lance as he ate alongside Irene.  “Vaporie! Shay! Come eat before everything goes cold!” Irene said turning around to see the two. Quickly dropping their whispers, Vaporie and Shay made their way to the table.

                As the day droned by nothing out of the normal happened. There was no training for the day, probably due to the sibling’s injuries. The only thing Shay found odd was foggy gaps in between the past three days. She wanted to know more about what had happened, but left it alone not feeling up for a lecture about her bug again from Lance. Soon night rolled around and Shay reclaimed her place in her room. From her window seal Shay looked out across the sky. The stars seemed to be dimmer than usual, but Shay did not mind, she was just glad to see them again. It seemed like forever since she had looked up at the darkened sky.

On the hill overlooking Black manor Phil stood under the stars. The wind blew chilling him as he turned he’s collar against the cold. He stared up at Shay’s window; she had missed their meeting at the coffee shop. Normally Phil would not jump to conclusions so rashly, but with Adalyn hanging around Phil feared the worst. He saw Shay sitting in her window, he noted she did this often but something was off about her. He noticed she looked rough; she had scratches all over her along with a cut on her cheek. Phil felt anger fill his gut as he clenched his fists; his apprentice had fallen into their hands. He clenched his jaw, remembering all the memories he shared with Shay. The past Two years had been some of his best with Shay, but now Shay no longer remembered him. Sorrow rushed over Phil, biting at him as bitterly as the coldness of the wind.

 Phil felt his anger grow warmer fueled by sorrow, he longed for his companion knowing that one day he would find her again. Yes, one day. This seemed to control Phil’s anger and slowly return to his leveled head. He took out Shay’s knife from his pocket, tracing the spider over with his thumb, One day Phil would talk to her again. He clenched the knife, but now was not the time. He looked up to see Shay still in her window; he knew she was safer here at Black Guard than with him. The matter of Shay’s safety seemed to sooth him. He wanted the best for her, even if it meant biding his time. Phil looked up at the window; he was going to miss Shay dearly. He silently promised to come back for her soon, when she was ready. Until then he would have to keep his distance, he would watch from a far. He wished for another way but, knew this was for the best.

                Phil gave a small sorrow filled smile up to the window; he knew Shay would be fine. Adalyn might have wiped her memory, but there was no way Shay would let that stop her from moving on. Phil felt pride swell in his chest at the thought of his apprentice remaining strong. He looked forward to the day he would revile himself once again to her, but longed for the day to come soon. He looked down at the knife in his hand, he remembered Shay’s smile. One day he promised himself that he would see the same smile sitting across from him at the coffee shop. He sighed to himself as he looked around, He had come to Black Manor ignoring the danger he was putting himself in.

                 The last light of Black Manor was extinguished from Shay’s window as the wind rustled the leaves around Phil. Phil gave one last look to the window knowing he should start heading home. No, he stopped his thoughts. To GrayGuard. Phil smiled at the name, remembering that night in Haskell. He tucked the knife safely into his pocket as he started to walk with the wind, away from the manor. He readied his fingers as he prepared himself. With a Snap of his fingers, the man was gone in the blink of an eye. 

~so what did you guy's think? Now you know Shay's story, but thats only part of the whole story. Go read some Altered to find out the full story!! Thanks for reading you guys! Comment, Vote, Follow!~

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