Coffee With A Stranger

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<About three months later>

With a flying kick, shay nailed the latest monstrosity in the face. As it flew shay flapped her wings to balance as she landed ready for the next attack. Howling in pain the thing charged her. With a smirk Shay morphed her arms. The fur of a bear covered them as the muscles rippled with readiness. The thing tossed its head in anger as it gained distance towards shay. As the thing neared shay double hammer fisted the thing in the side of the head, sending it flying across the stadium skidding to a halt. Shay cracked her knuckles in victory as she walked to the edge of the stadium. With the help of her morphed legs she cleared the jump in one bound. She sat at the top of the wall and looked around. She heard footsteps behind her; she turned to see Lance walking up behind her. He had a clip board in his hand, he scribbled on it as he got closer. "Your morphing abilities are developing rather well, despite you’re.... Bug." Lance said spitting the last word like it left a foul taste in his mouth. Shay hid a quick tick of annoyance at the comment. She knew it wasn't her fault the gene had a bug in it, but Lance seemed to think otherwise. Though despite the fact shay could not full body morph she found that she was more than capable harnessing the ability to partial morph. She was capable to have five morphs at one time and was working on six. 

      Lance had been studying hoping that he could correct the mistake, but he tried to keep this from Shay. She thought it was because he knew the bug was not her fault. That and maybe if Shay started to believe it was her fault, it would be easier to convince Adalyn it wasn't Lance's fault.

   "Have you been working on full morphs?" He asked almost impatiently as he looked down on her.   Shay did not look up; she just starred at the beast as she said blandly, “Yes I have. They aren't getting any better." Lance scribble more down on his clipboard as he retaliated," Then you’re not trying hard enough. I expected to see results, Shay." Shay could feel his anger pulsing, though she held her tongue tightly. "Maybe Adalyn was wrong." Lance said as he glared down at her. Shay turned around at the comment, Lance never really opposed His elder sibling. "Maybe you don't belong here." He said his gaze locked on her. 

      Shay got her feet and met Lance's glare," Or maybe Lance you should just take credit for your own mistakes." Shay knew she had struck a nerve. Lance glared at her menacingly. He looked like he was about to say something more but before he could, Shay jumped off into the arena snapping out her wings and glided off to the exit. 

     Shay hit the ground running as she folded in her wings. She ran up the stairs to her room. She found her knife and stuffed it into her pocket along with a five dollar bill. She needed out of the manor.  She needed a break. She ran down stairs, passing Irene who had come to check on her. "Where are you going?" Irene called worry woven in her voice. Shay was only a few steps from the door as she answered trying to keep herself from taking out her anger out on Irene," The coffee shop." Irene seemed as if she wanted to say something more, but she did not get the chance as Shay stormed out the door. 

Shay sat in the little coffee shop on the corner, silently sipping at her vanilla latte.  The soft Indie music over head was never paid mind to as people came in and out of the shop. The scent of freshly ground coffee calmed Shay as she listened to the soft murmur of chatter around her, but paid no mind to their pointless conversations. She took a sip of her coffee and felt its warmth spread threw out her body, invoking her in to a calming state. She closed her eyes as if to embrace the shop itself. 

     There was an intrusion into her thoughts as a chair scratched across the floor. Shay opened her eyes to see a man sitting across the table from her.  He smiled kindly at her as he took a drink of his own coffee. He looked around late twenties or early thirties. His green eyes where sharp and familiar, but unlike the familiar eyes his where kind. Shay tried to remember what his eyes reminded her of but went blank. The guy had messy brown hair with a small goti. He had on a soft blue jacket with a collar at the neck and a clean white shirt. 

    "Hello." He said politely and rather odd casualty. "Hello...?"Shay responded to the stranger trying not to answer his kindness with rudeness. "Oh I'm sorry, this seat wasn't taken was it?" He asked looking around the shop, for the owner of the seat. "No, nobody is sitting there." Shay said slightly confused with the stranger. "Just sitting by yourself? Well then I'm glad I came over," he smiled brightly as he took another drink, “name’s Phil." Shay gave a smile back, his welcomingness rubbing off on her, “I’m Shay."

    Phil sat back in the chair as if satisfied with finally getting her name. "Sorry if I seem a bit odd, but talking to new people over coffee is an interesting experience." Shay laughed a little, this guy was might have seemed weird, but he was the right touch of weird that everyone liked to see. "No it's cool." Shay said taking a drink. 

   "So Shay, what brings you to the coffee shop?" He asked lifting an eye brow. “Shay held up her coffee, “The coffee." Phil shook his head as if knowing that was not her true reason. Shay hesitated, meeting his eyes. "You seemed to have a lot on your mind. You did not come here just for coffee." Phil said not breaking eye contact. Shay pulled away from his gaze, she felt like she should not lie to him. Though she did not know why, he was a complete stranger. She looked back to see him not giving up. "I came here for some peace." Shay finally said taking a drink. Phil smiled," Peace?" He looked around," this place is not ideal for peace. It's rather loud if you ask me." Shay laughed a little as she replied casually," Where I live, this is considered peaceful." Phil looked intrigued as he casually asked," Where the heck do you live, kid?" Shay stirred her coffee slightly in the cup as she gently shook it, thinking whether or not she should trust the stranger. She looked up into his waiting green eyes. They shown with genuine interest, letting Shay know whole heartedly he was not just creeping. Shay shook her head slightly shaking off her doubt," Black manor." 

      Phil froze for a silent second, though Shay was use to people doing such when she mentioned where she lived. Obviously Black Manor had a lot of rumors floating about. Shay had heard most of them, from mysterious howls, strange people always visiting, the lady whom never stays often, kidnappings, and supposable murder. Shay let Phil think on this, though surprisingly he recovered faster than anyone Shay had seen. "Black Manor, hm?" He asked taking a sip as he paused," I take it your one of the kids the Fosters adopted?" "Yeah, they found me about three months back." Shay said realizing it had been that long. Phil nodded," You like living there?" Shay looked out the window in the detection of the manor," Well beats where I use to live..." Phil smiled slightly," You got a 'rags to riches' kinda story?" Shay looked back at him," Heh, kind of. Just with CPS thrown in there." Phil looked away then apologized," Sorry, digging a little deep there..." Shay shook her head she did not mind," No it's cool Phil."

      Phil looked down slightly, then looked up at shay, “Some mean looking scratches you got there. What did you do fight a bear?" Shay looked down and hid her surprise. Looked like the beast had done some damage, there where scratches on her left arm along with a large but not serious cut. Shay mentally scolded herself for not noticing the scratches before taking off. The blood was dried, but still recognize able as fresh. Shay smiled back at Phil playing it off as no big deal," Well as valiantly as he fought, he still will make a nice rug for my room." Phil laughed but Shay knew he was not convinced. Shay thought it was a good idea to head back, before Phil decided to press further into Black Manor. Though it pained her slightly; she found that she liked Phil. He was genuine and fun to talk too. There was just something about him that pulled Shay in. But now she had to be getting back to her chaotic life. 

         Shay finished her coffee, its warmth disappearing as she swallowed. She sat the empty cup down on the table as she sighed. "Time for you to head back?" Phil asked as he took a drink of his coffee. Shay hesitated then rose from her seat," Um... Yeah I need to be getting back... It was nice talking to you though. Took the edge off things." Shay smiled at Phil as thanks. Though Phil looked at her questioningly, but simply said," It was nice talking to you too. I hope to see you around. I like to have coffee with people I know too. Not just complete strangers." Shay laughed a little, "Yeah hopefully we will meet again. I'll see you Phil." Phil gave a kind smile and a small wave," See ya around, Shay."

~Oi guys don't forget to vote or comment I'd love to hear from you guys, don't be shy~

Altered: Shay's BackstoryWhere stories live. Discover now