White Tree Tower

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    As eight came around the sun started to set. Shay was at the doors of Blackguard. She was at the top of the stairs as the sun sunk down tainting the sky with orange. Shay morphed out her wings, their tawny feathers turned to white specked with gray on the ends. With a leap from the stoop she rose up wards as she pulled up catching air. She climbed high into the clouds in hope nobody would see her. She flew above the clouds catching a current towards New York. 

     After about an hour flight, buildings came into sight. They lit up in the night like a beacon. Shay looked around and found a tall white glass building. She knew this was white tree as she swooped down. 

    Landing on the roof she found herself alone with only the wind and the sounds of the city below her. She found the door to the stairs and tried it. The lock did not give way as she tried to open the door. Shay smiled to herself at the challenge, she knew it was not going to be that easy. She sat and thought she walked to the edge of the building and looked around then passed back. She spotted the air conditioning vent and saw it for what it truly was. Her ticket in. 

     Shay morphed her arms into those of a bear, feeling the muscles ripple under her skin as she grabbed the vent and tore it off as well as possible without busting it up too much. Shay put the vent to the side and relaxed her morph. She crawled into the dark vent finding it more spacious that she had thought. She morphed her eyes to the dark allowing her to see clearly. She carried down the vent, choosing between random twists and turns. Finally when she realized she was well into the building, she looked below her threw the vents to see an empty room. She kicked out the vent and jumped down. The room looked like an office; the door was left ajar leading into a hall. 

    Shay leaned against the wall looking around the corner for patrolling guards. The halls where empty for now. Shay darted down the hall towards the elevator. She hit the button to call the elevator, waiting nervously for it to crawl up to her. Finally with a ding that seemed extremely loud to a paranoid Shay, it reached her floor as it opened its doors to welcome her in. Shay climbed inside and punched the lowest floor she could find. She was thinking a main computer was in a well protected area. She had once over heard Lance talking about the lab being well protected underground in white tree. Shay only hopped she heard right. The elevator dinged as it opened its doors revealing a door. Shay exited the elevator and made for the door. The door had a key pad to unlock it. Shay smirked slightly, digging in the left side pocket of her pants. From it she pulled a small bottle of white powder, which she poorer a bit into her hand. Aiming at the key pad she blew the powder lightly. The powder reveled which keys had been used, to Shay's surprise it was only two keys, two and zero. Shay looked at how many numbers where needed, four. Shay reflected for a moment on the code. When she finally tried she typed in, 0220. There was a hiss of pressure releasing from the door telling Shay she had guessed the right code. 

    The door opened to reveal a stair well spiraling downwards. Shay hurried down stairs wishing to get out soon as possible. Shay walked to find a huge room. She marbled at all the equipment but knew she had no time to sight see. She found a small room filled with filling Cabinet and a computer that looked rather important. Shay found a USB port hidden in the back of the computer, she planted the USB. Though when she did the computer screen turned on revealing a file. Shay looked closely at the file; it was something about Adalyn and Lance. Shay scanned the file, most of it lost when she can across a piece of important information, the siblings had a secret. Shay read on about a brother that had split away from Adalyn and Lance when they created the Blackguard. The where about was not known of the guy, looked like he really had kept it on the down low.  Shay did not blame him; it appeared that Adalyn had it out for her brother from what Shay could see. 

    There where footsteps coming from the lab, Shay herd them as they crept closer. Shay looked at the computer, knowing the glow of the screen would give her away. She scrambled to turn it off, pressing the button on the monitor. The computer's screen went blank as the steps came closer. Shay looked up the ceiling was bare with nothing to hide her. She scanned the room looking for a place to hide. She found a small space between a filing cabinet and a stack of wooden crates. 

Altered: Shay's BackstoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя