Solo Mission

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The door to Black Manor creaked open and echoed through the house as Shay slipped inside. She could smell Irene's attempts at dinner as she advanced farther into the Manor. Shay decided to stay low key since Lance was most likely still angry. 

      With legs morphed she jumped to the top of the stairs, not wanting to alert everyone she was back by walking up the squeaky traps. She made her way down the hall trying to reach her room undiscovered. 

   Though before Shay made it to her room, a door down the hall opened up. Vaporie walked out of her own room trying not to disturb the quite of the house. "Shay!" She said, glancing towards down stairs hesitantly," Your back!" Shay smiled and motioned towards her room. She made her way into her room with Vaporie in her wake. 

    Closing the door shay turned to Vaporie," Lance is still mad isn't he?"

 Vaporie shifted from foot to foot," He has been in the lab the whole day. I don't even think Irene has even seen him." Shay looked away as she shook her head. "You stormed out..." Vaporie looked up at Shay with concern. Shay hesitated, she felt bad to had made a scene like that," Yeah... Sorry Vap... I just needed to be alone... Things get a little too much at times." Vaporie nodded as if she were thinking. Shay walked over to her night stand and opens the drawer.  She stored her knife in it and shut it. “He said something about your bug didn't he?" Shay heard the hesitance in Vaporie's voice as she asked. Shays grit her teeth but hid this as she gave a small sigh under her breath. She turned to Vaporie, the girl knew this was a touchy subject but Shay knew she was just concerned. "Yeah. He did." Shay breathed shortly. She wasn't about to tell the whole story though. Lance ran the house; there would be no point in turning Vaporie against him. Would just make it worse on Vaporie. Shay looked out the window, when she heard the heavy door to lance's lab opened. 

   Threw the stillness of the house Vaporie heard the door opening and looked at Shay. They listened as footsteps crept up the stair case and down the hall. As the footsteps sounded closer and closer Vaporie came away from the door, she knew who was prowling around outside the door. 

   The door handle clicked as the door opened revealing a stressed Lance. 

He spotted Vaporie and stepped a side for her exit the room. With a glance thrown back at Shay, Vaporie exited the room. The door clicked behind her as lance and shay stared each other down. 

    “You have been assigned a mission." Lance said breaking the silence. Shay grit her teeth slightly, she knew this was a punishment. "What is the mission?" Shay asked keeping the annoyed tone out of her voice. Lance smirked slightly as he held up a USB," You are to infiltrate white tree tower and plug this in to one of their computers." He tossed the USB to Shay. Catching it she examined it," What does it do?" "It will be of use to me to access their files. You are to leave it in the computer. " Shay looked up ready to test if this was lance trying to get back at her or if Adalyn really needed the files," Who is going with me?" Lance was emotionless as he said," it is a solo mission. Stealth required." Just as Shay had thought, punishment mission. Her stomach knotted slightly, white tree tower was a main place for Whiteguard. It was heavy in security and taking the place on by herself was a step below a suicide mission. If she was caught Shay was not totally sure of the consequences, different scenarios played out in her head. She shook the images out of her head, she refused to be caught. 

   Lance glanced at her knowing what was going threw her head. If Shay really thought she belonged in the Blackguard she would not turn down his mission. If she failed to come back.... He was sure he could convince Adalyn to find another street rat. "When is the mission?" Shay asked breaking into Lance's thoughts. He smirked, because this was one of the worse parts of the mission, “Tonight. You will fly to white tree tonight. If you’re not back before eight p.m. Tomorrow... I will alert Adalyn, we will think you are ether M.I.A. Or dead. You leave at eight tonight." 

     Shay glared at Lance she knew he hoped she did not come back. Well she had news for him, she would come back. She knew she belonged in the guard..... She had nowhere else to go. Lance gave Shay one more glance as he turned to go out the door. He reached for the knob the turned to Shay again," If I were you I would start coming up with a plan. The time is 6:35." He closed the door behind him as it clicked shut. 

      Shay stood in the room alone going over what Lance just dumped on her. 'Or dead.' Echoed threw her head. Shay was not sure if the Whiteguard would kill her, but if Lance thought so.... Her stomach clenched as she found her way to the window seal and sat down. She looked up at the wall clock, its hands ticking away. Mocking her as the second hand clicked around sending time forward. Shay looked down in her hand realizing she was still clenching the USB drive. She slipped the drive into her pocket. She needed to prepare. She needed to stop freaking out. 'I won't get caught. I belong in Blackguard, if I didn't Adalyn would not have come to the Lambert's house.' She told herself racing to build back her self-confidence. 

      She went to the trunk at the end of her bed. She searched in the trunk and found her throwing stars and knives. The pouch she found them in she wrapped around her right leg. She counted out the four pointed stars to find she had seven. The knives where numbered to four, she could only carry that many due to their larger size. She found three smoke pellets that Karma had stole from Lance and slipped them into a pocket. Shay glanced back at her katana leaning against her wall. She wished to take the sword, but thought she would do better without it. It would be hard to conceal and might give her away if she was not careful. Along with raising alarm on the streets, pedestrians would flip. 

Altered: Shay's BackstoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin