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Riding the current to Black Manor shay looked down to see a black Lincoln navigator parked in the circle drive. Shay's stomach dropped, she knew Adalyn was here. Shay shook her head clearing her anxiety as she swooped down. She landed and walked up the stairs, her stomach going AWOL as she kept her face clear of emotion. She opened the door to find only the kitchen light was on in the manor. She walked in her footsteps seemed to echo like bellows from a trumpet. "Your home early." Said a voice in the darkness making Shay jump slightly. "Yeah just felt off today." Shay said turning to meet lance's glare. She knew where this was going as lance stood up. "Uh hu. You can drop your act. “Lance said as he crossed his arms. "What?" Shay said with a hint of annoyance. Lance took a couple steps closer," how long did you plan to keep that up?" "Keep what up?" Shay said resisting the urge to step back as she reached into her pocket and felt her crystal. "You know what I mean. I know where you have been." Lance said his anger showing in his words. "I know you have been sneaking off with that trader." Lance hissed with a glare. "Phil is not a trader!" Shay yelled falling into the trap. Lance smirked knowing he hit a nerve," I see. He has you believing his little lies." "Lies must run in the family then, “Shay spat," though if you ask me I would be more than happy to follow Phil's "lies" than yours!" The statement obviously shocked Lance because all he could do was glare at her. 

     From the kitchen the sound of heels came closer. Shay looked over to see Adalyn joining them, her eyes where harsh as she glared down at Shay. "I must say, I'm rather disappointed Shay. Such a clever girl I thought you would be the last to fall into Phil's lies." Shay watched Adalyn, knowing she was baiting her. "Phil isn't lying. If anybody is lying, it would be you Adalyn." Shay said wanting to run as she clutched the crystal hidden in her pocket. Adalyn walked closer arms spread as if to appear friendly," My dear you are mistaken now come with me and I can fix thing so they go back to normal. Just trust me." Shay shivered as she heard those words. They sounded nothing like the way Phil spoke the words. "No." Shay said more bravely than she felt. Shay saw Adalyn's eyes narrow in annoyance," I was not asking," she looked at her nails then back at Shay," but if you wish to do this the hard way, so be it."

       Adalyn seemed to fly at Shay, her anger under wraps but still present. Shay drew her sword It’s wide blade protected her from Adalyn’s blow. Shay jumped back from her attacker,  with Phil’s plan on her mind. She held her sword tight in her hands, gripping the green blade as if it her last ounce of hope. “That sword should have shattered.” Lance said to himself examining the sword. “That’s what you think. This sword will never shatter.” Shay growled not taking her eyes off Adalyn, who also seemed to be intrigued with the sword.  Adalyn looked at Lance who caught her glance and ran over to his chair. He pulled out a sheathed katana and threw it to her. She caught it without even blinking; she unsheathed the sword smiling at the challenge.

                Shay took a step back, wanting to test Adalyn’s skill with the sword, but she knew better. She bolted to the door from the stair way. “LANCE!!” Adalyn yelled to her brother. Shay tried not to pay attention to them as she focused on reaching the door, though as she reached for the door handle Shay heard the sound of the doors to the manor shutting down from the outside. She jerked at the door handle, knowing it was locked. She rammed the door with her shoulder as she looked around for a new escape route. Yet she knew that Lance had locked down Black Manor at Adalyn’s queue. Shay spun around at the sound of Adalyn’s laugh, she readied her sword as she pressed her back against the hard wood door. “You really think we were just going to let you just run out the door? I almost feel offended.” Adalyn said readying her own sword. “Now now Shay, there is no need to look like a trapped animal. After all we are here to help.” Adalyn smirked at the last of her words, Shay glared at her trying to hide her fear.

                Shay could not think of a way out, with the doors locked down the windows would be too. She looked around hopelessly knowing her only way out was to find what Lance had shut everything down with. Adalyn sliced at Shay, who caught the blade with her own. Though Adalyn was more than prepared, she kicked Shay in the stomach with her heals. Shay coughed as one of her knees buckled from under her. Adalyn took no mercy on her as she pressed her katana down, Shay pressed back trying to keep the strength to protect herself. Shay tilted her sword and Adalyn’s blade slipped off of shay’s, freeing her enough to allow a roll out of the way of another slice from Adalyn. Shay found her breath and footing as she got to her feet. She glared at Adalyn for such a dirty trick; she just smirked at Shay’s hidden anger. Shay took in a breath, deciding If she was to have a shot at escaping she was going to have to fight like she had never fought before.

Altered: Shay's BackstoryWhere stories live. Discover now