The Last Hour

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About an hour passed as Shay lay in wait for the two to return. She had tried her best to get out of the straps but found they would not budge. Worst of all she found that she could not use her morph to help her. She knew the serum was the cause of it.  She did not move much though; she decided to save her strength for what might come. 

              Shay sighed as she stared up at the light. This was it, the time that she and Phil pushed to the back of their minds, knowing that their charade was never going to last long. Shay blinked tears from her eyes, fighting them back as they spilled. She thought of Phil, he had given her so much. He was so much more than her mentor, he was her best friend. She felt as if she had failed him, and now she would never get to see him again. Not only would she not see him, she would forget him. The best two years of her entire life where about to be ripped from her. Shay could not control the tears as they ran down her cheeks. She grit her teeth to prevent from crying out, in fear Adalyn or Lance would hear her. She felt alone as the hour ticked by. Her stomach did flips as she waited, recalling memories of star gazing with Phil and the countless cups of coffee they had together. Shay's heart ached at the thought of not knowing Phil. She could not imagine anything worse. 

          There was a disturbance I'm the room as the door opened slowly. Shay looked up and saw the blurred images of Adalyn and Lance making their way into the room. Lance closed the door behind him and stood guard of it. Adalyn walked towards Shay, the clicking of her heels echoed thru the room. She looked down at Shay, who glared daggers back up to her. Adalyn smiled down, “Soon everything will be back to normal, Shay." Shay grit her teeth in a snarl towards Adalyn. Shaking her head Adalyn was not fooled, she saw right threw Shay’s mask,” Phil is not your hero, Shay. He is on the wrong side.” “Then I’d like to change sides! Phil might not be the hero Ada, but you’re definitely the villain.” Shay spat back trying not to show her fear. Adalyn’s glare narrowed as she met Shay’s glare.  Shay dared to press on,” And you know it Adalyn.” There was something like a surge of silent anger that rippled through Adalyn as her eyes flared coldly.

                With a sigh Adalyn closed her eyes, clearly preparing to attack Shay’s memory. She raised her hand ominously as she opened her eyes. She came closer, reaching down as Shay trashed about.  Adalyn caught Shay’s forehead as she amped up her power. Tears seemed to flow without permission as Shay mentally fought back. She could feel Adalyn entering her mind, searching for her memories. Shay could not let her find them, she would fight her. The best years of her life would not be taken so easily. She would not take the memories away of the one person who really looked out for her. Shay fought back trying to kick Adalyn out of her mind. Adalyn smirked at her efforts but her powers where well developed allowing her to get by Shay’s defenses.

                Shay soon felt drained from the mental war, she could feel Adalyn slowly erasing small stuff. Shay tried to combat her another time, but Adalyn was more than aware of Shay’s plans. “Lance!” She said trying to maintain her focus. Lance knew Adalyn’s wish as he came closer, taking another syringe from his pocket. Uncapping it he planted it in Shay’s neck. Shay yelled out as she battled both the serum and Adalyn, slowly caving as the serum distracted her. Her blurred vision started to blacken; Shay felt her consciousness fading quickly. She took one last look at Adalyn; a victory smirk was planted on her lips. With her consciousness slipping from her grasp, Shay locked eyes with her attacker,” Phil won’t forget me.” Adalyn seemed to be temporally stunned as she glared down at Shay. Shay blinked one last tear then fell into the blackness of the serum.

Altered: Shay's BackstoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora