12 (Phil)

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I quickly get out of the subway, jogging to swipe my card and check back out. I didn't have a lot of money left on the card, so I tried to save as many minutes I could by running.

I slowed to a brisk walk, grateful when the evening air hit me, breathing the natural scent. I was glad to be out of the stuffy hospital room.

I stuck my hand into my right pocket, gripping the bottle of pills they gave me. I think they're antidepressants or something like that, but I don't know anything about medicine. They told me to take it everyday with my coffee, that it would help me get better.

I shook the pills around in the bottle before reaching deeper to grab my keys. I walk with the crowd, walking down the streets until I met with a series of flats. 

I unlocked the front door and inhaled the scent of my home. I slowly ascended the steps, flicking on the lights as I went up. When I reached the top of the stairs, I nearly choked out of shock.


PJ popped up from behind the couch, his arms raised with glee. Chris was there too, reclined on the sofa with his broken foot propped up. 

Tyler was peeking his head from the doorway, his mouth open in a wide smile. 

It's no doubt I look surprised, but I pretend to look pleasantly so. I crack my face open with a fake smile. "Aw, you didn't have to!"

Tyler looks somewhat relieved, probably thinking a party was too much. Which it is, but I ignore it.

"You guys are cleaning up later, right?" Chris laughs merrily, and I smile at my own joke.

Tyler shoves something cold into my hand, begging me to try it.

I look at the ale, the beer smell wafting to my nose. I was never a beer person, so I came up with a lame excuse. "The medication I'm on doesn't allow alcohol... sorry."

Tyler's smile falters as he pulls the beer out of my hand. Peej calls him over. "Hey, Tyler! I'll try it!"

After five minutes of talking to Louise, I excuse myself to my room.

At the end of the hallway, I take the right door instead of the left. I shut the door quickly and breath deeply.

Dan's scent still lingers everywhere. I imagine the smell soaked into the wall, the bed, the bookshelf, the window seat, the picture, his closet, the clothes in there, in--

I sink into his bed. I pull the duvet over my head and inhale. I am immediately comforted, it felt like Dan himself had wrapped himself around me.


The party ended hours later. I had changed into Dan's jumper and a pair of his jeans. If anyone had noticed, they didn't say anything.

Troye lingered the longest. He eventually left, only after I told him to. He kept offering to do simple things like cook me dinner or other nice gestures like that. I finally gave in and let him help me clean up.

Now things are settled down. The sink of dirty dishes is now empty, and I feel a sense of relief looking at it. I send a silent thank-you to Troye.

I sit on the sofa, sinking into "Dan's sofa crease". I sigh, for the umpteenth time that day, and reach for the remote.

I stop, my heart freezing. I see Dan's phone lying directly next to the remote.

I snatch up the device, holding it close to my hammering heart. I try to turn in on, but the battery is dead. I sit there for a while before making up my mind. 

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