Well then •<•

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So tonight I was talking to two of my very best friends (they're internet friends) and we were playing around on worlize (oh how descriptive, Petunia.)

While we were doing such, we continued to pin each other to the corner.


Things got serious suddenly and I was pinned in a corner for thirty minutes as well as gagged and

Banished from the place.  (XD and we were only playing around too!  We don't fight.  Just play fights)

Well during that time it began to make me think very very hard.  It was complete torture o.o to just be on my laptop, sitting there as my iPod plays my music in my ears.  I waited and waited

Luckily one of my friends came to my own room and told started to talk to me.  She told me to be good, and considering I'm the eldest out of our entire group (but we're all the same age, grade, etc.)
It made me fall into this deep thought of being trapped

I love that feeling when I know I'm not REALLY trapped, but in a way I am.  As long as it's not serious too. 

My mind immediately starts telling me to not be so rebellious (I try not to be o.o , but around my best friends I get that way sometimes XD ) and other things like that.

Just the feeling of being held down by someone weaker than you.  It just makes my muscles go limp literally (what a gross description for me to say)

It reminds me of the time I was doing a fnaf rp with those two friends (as well as several other people whom I no longer know since I left the game which I was doing the rp on) last year.  I was being Vincent (of courseeeeee) and I kept putting people in weak positions. 

Just the feeling of helplessness is the worse torture to me.  Why I am telling you all this, I have no idea! ^•^ I also promise that I am not complaining or seeking attention in any form!

My point is (repeat repeat repeat!)

If I am ever doing (the word "doing" keeps autocorrecting to "Doug" for some reason... O.o ) an rp with any of you and I begin to get violent in any way, just know I know that irl I am REALLY weak and I'm trying to look strong (what the...? This makes no sense XD maybe sleep is a good idea?)

So yeah :D I like feeling weak or making other people feel weak

But all in all

I enjoy making people feel weak

I love power.

But my problem with this is once one of my friends was really upset and sobbing because of me, so she Skyped me to prove she was upset.  My dear friend was sobbing and choking, and I smirked.  I couldn't believe I did it.  I looked away from the camera, but she saw. 

Luckily she understood that it was out of a really bad habit I have.

has anyone else done something like this before •^• comment below or pm me!  I feel REAAAALLY weird sometimes, so I've started to post what I'm thinking at the moment.

Goodbye, my lovelies ^.^

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