Clannad After Story Theme <3

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As it is now 6:25 where I live XD since I finished school yesterday (for until 2016) I've been watching Clannad nearly all day!

This anime makes me think about life in so many ways. All the circumstances. Being pulled away from people you love the most. Seeing them less and less.

I know how it feels, so I guess I can kinda relate to this anime!

It's changed me so much as a person! I feel like I'm not as unkind as I used to be! I used to be so harsh and I only thought about myself! Instead of thinking of myself and fulfilling my dreams, I promise to always put others before myself and fulfill their dreams. For their dreams are now mine.

Stay strong, my dear friends. I will always be here for you, even if we don't know each other very well. I will always be here for you. ALWAYS.

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