Questioooooons part 3~

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24. NOPE
25. NOPE

26. Uh xD...because I have no life and I thought I would just give it a try.

27. F-fears...? The world.

28. Last thing that made me cry? Heh...this was recent. Just the other night while I was watching Angel Beats. I was crying because a girl (I forgot her name xD..) had been paralyzed after an accident for the rest of her life. She often watched tv, and dreamt of doing the things she saw. When she was in the other world (in her new life) she was able to walk, and all of her dreams finally came true after such an unfair life.

29. The last time I said I loved someone? I don't say that Irl. I don't want to lie to people. The only time I say "I love you" is to my Internet friends.

30. Meaning behind my YouTube name? Well "Petunia Paisley" is really just two names I gave two of my favorite stuffed animal when I was little. They're Webkinz, actually. One is a Golden Retriever (Petunia) and the other is a fluffy white dog (Paisley). That name is also a name for a character I have now. The character is basically all of my dreams. :3...

31. The last book I read? :3 It was the 6th Warriors book in the 2nd series. XD I'm too lazy to get the title right now...

32. What am i reading now? Well's "Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics" by Chris Grabenstein! ^•^ I'm really enjoying it!


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