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I'm pretty sure this is an odd question coming from me, buuuuuut...

Would any of you be the least bit interested in voicing one of my characters for "Crystal and Sapphire", a comic which I am making for YouTube?

If so, please comment below and add me on Skype or Kik. Pm your user for whichever, and I may discuss the details to you.

So far there are a few openings for the first few characters.
Girls ~
1. Celeste/Crystal (✔️) celestebarker0211
2. Katrina ()
3. Sammy ()
4. Sarah ~ Ocean_reyes
Boys ~
1. Jeremy (✔️) ~ iamanime55
2. Edgar ()
3. Mike ()

It's fine if this means nothing to you. I'm just getting desperate xD...

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