(20) Epilogue

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"Addy, if you don't study, you will not go to college. You need to pass these classes" I rolled my eyes at my mother.

"I am studying, see!" I held a textbook in my hand.

"When I get back you better have every finished...I will check" she hissed.
"You have to come to this party with me, Porter" Soraya whined.

"I can't my parents aren't going to let me" I told her, closing my locker.

"Sneak out, trust me this party is so going to be worth it" she smiled.
Later that night I snuck out, it felt amazing. I never felt such a rush.

After being there for 2 hours, I needed to look for Soraya so we could leave.

"Hey have you seen Soraya?" I asked around.

"Last time I saw her she was in the bathroom.

I walked to the bathroom, to see Soraya on the floor.

Her body pale, her lips turning a faint blue.

"Soraya!" I yelled, scrambling to the floor. Her body was cold. I checked her pulse.

She was gone, alcohol poisoning. I cried so hard that I had a headache for weeks.

The funeral was somber, everyone with permanent frowns in their faces. I should have stayed with her, because then I could of saved her.
"Adeline Porter, we congratulate you and welcome you to the agency"

I smiled, "Thank you sir! I won't let you down"

"I know you won't, Porter"
"Can't you do anything right? You know how hard we work yet you do nothing to help us...I know your friend died, but that is no excuse. Have you forgotten about college" I tuned my mom out.
"How old are you?" The man asked me.

"17, why?" I asked him.

"Because I have an offer for you, if college doesn't pan out, call me. We would love to have you work for us"

"What's your name?" I asked him.

I eventually awakened, blood still rushing out my body. My body felt numb, I wanted to move but I couldn't.  I just wanted it to be over already.

And after a couple of moments it was.
So that's the end, once again sorry for the abrupt ending. Thank you so much for reading this story. I know I'm not the best writer, so I appreciate that you guys stuck along.
*not edited*


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