Chapter Two

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Jade rolled on her side and looked at the clock. Seeing that it was ten in the morning- and silently cursing himself for sleeping so late- she pulled her tired self out of bed and began the long, winding walk down the stairs that led to the lower half of her house.

Her grandpa was waiting for her, looking at one of his weird blue woman. "Good morning, Jade. You do know what today is, correct?"

She rolled her green eyes, sighing the way only a teenager can. "I know... I need to help with Mr. Egbert and Ms. Lalonde's wedding. Although I believe I've told you many times I'm not happy about it."

Grandpa sighed softly at his insolent granddaughter. "I know as well as you do that this is hard for Rose, Dave, and John. All you can really do is be supportive-" She opened her mouth to speak, but he quickly cut her off. "I know what you're thinking, but nothing you do is going to prevent the wedding. I'm sorry, Jade."

She slumped down in a huff, not meeting her grandfather's eyes. Just because Jade needed to go along with this didn't mean she (or any of her friends) were happy about it.

"Don't look so sad now." Grandpa said softly. "Dave will be there, after all."

You see, Grandpa, Dave was part of the problem.

Jade crept back up the stairs- the wedding planning wasn't for another hour- and decided to consult the only person she could.

GG: rose! i need your help!

TT: What is it, Jade? I'm a little bit busy at the moment

Jade smirked as she typed.

GG: busy with kanaya? ;) <3

TT: That is a possibility. 
TT: Anyways, what sort of help do you need?

GG: well... i was hoping you could stop dave from coming

TT: To the meeting? I don't think I can do that. Mom is hell-bent on getting him there as punishment.

She sighed, teeth gritted. Jade had expected this to happen.

TT: Besides, I thought you'd forgiven him.

GG: thats what i told him yeah

TT: You haven't, have you? Oh, Jade.

GG: its not so much that i dont want to see dave
GG: its that i dont want to see dave with john

TT: But you must know that Dave and John are only friends.

GG: sometimes it doesnt feel that way
GG: i know dave is just starting to accept his sexuality again and whatnot
GG: but i cant help feeling sometimes that hes more interested in guys than me

TT: Jade, you must know that isn't true.

GG: well you cant tell me he isnt interested in "experimenting"

TT: No matter how he feels, Dave will always be loyal to you. And he'll let you know so when you see each other at the meeting! Don't make him go through this alone.

Jade's shoulders drooped as she gazed at her screen. Rose was right, of course. True to her chat name, she was very good at playing the therapist. 

And she knew it, of course. 

Still, Rose made good points. Above all Dave was loyal to her- and she had to trust him to stick to his word. After all, wasn't it worth it? For the guy she loved?

Yes. It was, it had to be. They'd had problems, sure, but she loved him in the end... and he loved her. Jade knew that.

Jade also knew she better stop mulling over her teenage problems and get dressed. For a wedding planning, her usual skirt and shirt wouldn't do.

Her Iron Lass suit was always fun- but probably not approriate. There's also the issue of copyright laws and such whenever she wears it.

The Dead Shuffle dress sure reminds her of Dave, but it's more suited for a con than anything else.

The Three in the Morning dress- hah, she wore that to the steak dinner date! Back when Rose and John were still fake-dating. She smiled slightly at the memories before putting it back. Things had changed so much in such a short time.

Oh, this is perfect! The dress of Eclectica! Beautiful, blue, and stylish, this will definitely work. Jade smiled with newfound confidence. Maybe looking excellent in this would mean the meeting wouldn't be so bad.

However, knowing Dave's mom, she slightly doubted that.

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