Chapter Thirteen

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The man- tall, stern, with reddish hair and a face oddly similar to Karkat's- stared down at the four teenagers with an imposing glare. "Mr. Strider? Ms. Lalonde? I'm your mother's doctor, Dr. Kankri."

"That's a weird name." Dave said, before Jade elbowed him in the ribs.

Dr. Kankri looked down at Dave for a moment with the rage of a thousand suns before continuing. "Your mother is out of critical condition. We did a bunch of weird medical junk you don't really understand and all you need to know is she's not going to die now."

"Can we see her?" Dave asked, as his three companions stared blankly at the strange doctor.

"Yes." He nodded. Dave stood up quickly, pushing the white-coated man aside and bolting down the hall.

"It's room 96!" Dr. Kankri called after Dave's retreating back. He turned around towards the others, who were sitting mutely in their chairs. "Do you guys want to see her two? Or am I wasting my time?"

Rose stood up quickly, looking after Dave's bright blonde hair. "Can you take me to her room? Unlike my brother, I don't want to get lost and interrupt someone's colonoscopy."

Dr. Kankri nodded and began to walk down the hall... in the opposite direction of where Dave had gone.

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