Chapter Three

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Rose, meanwhile, was not having such an easy time. Clad in a bright orange promlike dress that was so not her style, she was also enamored in a heated argument with her mother. 

"Why do I have to wear this?"

Her mother frowned, ever-present wineglass in hand. "I need you to get used to it- it's going to be your bridesmaid dress!"

Rose's lips curled in disgust. "Are you kidding? Why can't I just have Kanaya make me something? I love that black dress of hers..." She trailed off, thinking about just how Kanaya looked in said dress.

Mom Lalonde interrupted her thoughts. "Rose, you can't wear black to a wedding! Besides, you look lovely. Can't you just make this easy for once and we won't have all these meaningless mindgames? I just want us to be happy!"

"Me too, Mom, but you don't make it easy." Rose grumbled. However, she was rather surprised at the matronly display of affection. Her mom certainly wasn't one for sentiments- so being told she looked lovely was a nice touch.

Of course, it could all be part of her convuluted plan to make Rose go along with this absurd wedding. Her mother was impossible to figure out. 

Worst of all, Dave was being utterly useless. He was so giddy about fixing things with Jade and Karkat that he barely even noticed the audacity transpiring beneath their noses! Rose almost considered sharing with him Jade's doubts about their relationship.

Not that she ever would, of course. She wasn't that type of person at all. Besides, Jade and Dave's problems were theirs to work out and theirs alone.

Even so...

Rose's musings, however, were quickly interrupted when she walked into her room and found Dave sitting on her bed. He was looking dressy in his puppet tux, eyebrows twisted in confusion. 

"Why do you bother fighting with Mom?" He asked. "You know it's only going to make things worse."

Rose groaned. "It can't get much worse, Dave. All these fights are part of the complicated and twisted emotional games we play with each other. Isn't that what parents are for?"

Dave's face darkened suddenly, and Rose cursed herself for being so ignorant. She knew better than to talk about things like that in front of him- even years later, the memories weighed heavy on him.

"S--t, I'm sorry. Just forget I said anything and let's get ready for this wedding crap, okay? At least Jade will be there."

The shadowed expression in his eyes didn't lift at the mention of Jade like she thought it would.

"Jade is part of the problem."

Concerned, Rose sat down on the bed next to him. "What do you mean?"

"She's still mad at me."

Rose narrowed her lilac eyes, looking confused. "Jade isn't angry at you. You hurt her a lot, but I thought you guys patched things up."

Dave sighed heavily. "That's what I thought too! But she won't stop being... distant. She doesn't reply to my chats, she doesn't kiss me, she doesn't even want to see me. It's like she hates me."

"Jade could never hate you." Rose said gently- not letting Dave hear the hesitation in her voice. Things were shakier between Dave and Jade than she had originally thought. It might take more than some tentacle therapy to fix it.

"So much has happened between you guys- it's been so hard for her. But you can't forget that she's stuck with you through all of it."

Dave nodded slowly, unsure of where she was headed with this.

"So you have to stick with her too. Whatever's going on with her, you need to be there. You owe it to her."

He stared at Rose, puzzled. "How can I do that if she won't even let me in to help?"

Rose shrugged. "You can find a way. You're Dave Strider."

In spite of himself, he smirked ever so slightly. "You're godd--n right I am. Getting babes left and right, that's me. You could be my wingman."

Rose grinned back. "Alas, I'm too busy frolicking with with Kanaya to help you in your quest for dat -ss."

"Speaking of that, how are you and Kanaya? Still conquering the world one gorgeous outfit at a time?"

The hint of a blush appeared on Rose's pale cheeks. "We're doing good. I- I actually asked her to come to the meeting. Help me out a bit... keep me company."

Dave wiggled his pale eyebrows, a gleam in his eye. "What sort of company?"

"The celibate kind."

He frowned, mischeviousness leaving his face. However, Dave brightened quickly when he said, "I'm really happy for you, Rose. You've found someone who makes you happy."

"So have you, Dave." She said. 

Before he could speak, a voice called to them from downstairs. "Rose! Dave! We've got to go, we're going to be late!" Their mother's voice was high and panicky, leading to the siblings rushing downstairs and into the car.

Rose silently prepared herself for whatever disaster was about to occur.

Ah, well. At least Kanaya would be there...

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