Chapter Four

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The meeting was set up in a church where the wedding would take place (a bit surprising, since neither party was religious, but none of the kids were going to question it). It was a beautiful place- Jade couldn't deny that- but she felt extremely uncomfortable in the wooden building with its stained-glass windows. 

Ah, well. At least her friends would be with her through this whole ordeal. Speaking of friends, she saw John coming in with his father out of the corner of her eye.

"John! Hi!" Jade called warmly, trying to ease some of the tension she felt. "Hello, Mr. Egbert." she added respectfully. 

John looked quite preppy in a white suit his dad has clearly bought for him, but him constantly pulling at the collar and loosening the tie ruined the whole effect. Mr. Egbert was of course the perfect gentleman- pipe, fedora, and all.

"Jade." he said in a deep baritone. "Thank you so much for coming. Ms. Lalonde and myself both appreciate."

"No problem." she said with a smile. Thankfully, John's dad quickly turned his interest to the church... leaving Jade and John free to talk.

He was looking at her with wide, panicky blue eyes. "You gotta get me out of this, Jade. It's killing me."

She raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Get you out of what?"

"The suit!" He cried dramatically. "I think it's out to kill me! And this stupid tie looks ridiculous! Why couldn't I have just worn my slime shirt? I even washed it for the occasion!"

"You mean you don't normally wash it? Ew!" 

He blushed and turned away, not meeting her eyes. "Oh, look! Karkat came!" John said quickly as a blatant distraction from his cleanliness habits. "Let's go say hi. Maybe he'll have more sympathy for me- unlike some people." John glared at her, but there was warm humor in his bright eyes.

Karkat was dressed casually- a white t-shirt with a picture of a crab and black jeans- and looked dreadfully out of place in the pristine church. He was slouched over and grumpy-looking as usual, but his gray eyes lit up when he saw John.

"Woah, what the h-ll are you wearing?" Karkat asked. "It looks like that collar is trying to strangle you."

"That's what I told Jade!" he said with a laugh. "She didn't have any sympathy for my plea."

Karkat shook his head, smiling ever so slightly. "I wish I could free you from the suit, but I don't think it's right to do so in a church. Even I have standards."

"You have standards?" John asked in mock confusion, eyes wide.

Jade was smiling slightly at their antics, but she figured that she'd be out of place if she stayed any longer. Dave hadn't arrived yet, though... and Jade wasn't sure if she was upset or grateful about it.

With nothing to do, she found herself sitting on one of the stiff wooden pews. Jade quickly became lost in thought, her green eyes glazing over for what felt like hours.

Until someone sat down next to her and jolted her out of her daydream.

"Jade..." a voice said nervously. "Hey."

She looked to the side and saw a tall, blonde figure looking cool in his suit and shades.

"Hey, Dave."

He smiled slightly. "You look beautiful." Dave murmured, scooting closer to her. "Very... godly."

Even if he was a butt, Dave was good looking. The suit hugged his muscles in all the right places and made his skinny chest look strong. "Are you saying this dress makes me look like a god? If so, I guess I should wear it more often." she teased.

"Actually, I was thinking that you shouldn't wear it."

"What? Why?"

"Well, obviously the best outfit for you is none at all."

Jade laughed softly, punching Dave in the shoulder. "We're in a church, pervert! Watch your language."

He grinned back. "It's your fault for looking so gorgeous."

Now this was the Dave she knew and loved. Warm, sweet, funny...

Looking sexy in those clothes...

"What?" He asked, suddenly nervous. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jade looked around, seeing that John was distracted with Karkat and the adults were nowhere to be seen. Perfect. "I was thinking that no one would miss us if we slipped away for a few minutes."

Dave's mouth dropped open in a perfect O. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

She stood up, taking his hand. "I saw a bathroom down the stairs. Follow me."

He shook his head, still grinning despite himself. "I can't believe we're doing this- in a church, no less! You're corrupting my innocence and chastity."

"What innocence?"

"None, thanks to you." Dave cried happily.

Several frantic steps later, Jade found herself in a small bathroom stall looking into Dave's red eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, hands gripping her waist tightly through the ruffled fabric of her dress. "Because I don't want to do anything you don't want."

"Trust me..." Jade whispered. "I want this."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned up and kissed him firmly on the mouth.

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