Chapter Five

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Rose looked around the room nervously. Dave and Jade has slipped off somewhere, likely to have each other's babies. John and Karkat were too busy flirting to notice. Her mother was galavanting off with Mr. Egbert... and that left Rose utterly alone.

A bright spot in her sunny yellow dress, Rose slumped on one of the pews- the exact one Jade was sitting at. She silently hoped her friend would come back and keep her company through this.

Now, Rose was used to being on her own. Her quiet and slightly standoffish demeanor didn't attract many friends and when it came to school, she was usually left alone. 

Content with her solitary life, Rose hadn't realized how lonely she was until Dave moved back into their mother's house. She'd known him as a distant friend and was rather shocked to learn he was actually her blood brother.

Still, with his aide, she found herself opening up to more people. First Jade, his longtime crush and childhood friend. Then John, the quirky new boy clearly in love with Dave.

And finally Kanaya, the strange and beautiful girl she met by a fluke who made her realize where her interests lied.

Unlike her brother, Rose was quite content with her sexuality. She had contemplated her interest in girls for awhile but besides fleeting crushes, she'd never had the guts to pursue a relationship.

Kanaya showed up, bold and beautiful, and changed that.

If only she would show up at the d--n church!

Rose sat up and looked around, short blonde hair brushing her shoulders. The minutes passed by with agonizing slowness as long as Kanaya wasn't here. Why did her mom even bring her here? No discussing about the wedding was going on.

Only a hodgepodge of sickening romance... that would be acceptable if only she was a part of it.

Her heart fluttered with hope for a moment as the doors creaked open, but the figure that walked in was tall and blonde. Certainly not Kanaya.

Instead, Vriska leaned over her with a wild arachnid grin on her pale face. "Bit lonely, aren't you?" She asked cockily.

"Vriska? Why are you crashing into a church while my mom is holding a meeting?" Rose asked, lilac eyes narrowing in distrust. She didn't like Vriska, and she didn't like how close she'd gotten to John. Kanaya had a million horror stories from her days of pining over the blonde girl.

"Because I'm oh-so-interested in seeing your mom and John's dad make out, of course." Vriska's dark lips curled into a pout. "Actually, Kanaya sent me to warn you that she can't come. Got caught up in something with her mom."

"Her mom?" Rose asked, a note of confusion rising in her voice. She knew Kanaya was raised by a single mom, just like she was, but her girlfriend wanted her privacy and didn't talk about her home life much. 

Despite her endless curiosity, Rose did her best to respect that.

"Yeah. Wouldn't tell me what is was- I assumed Kanaya did something and she got pissed. After all, if one understands crazy mothers it's me." Vriska gazed at Rose with dark blue eyes, her face impassive.

But Rose heard the challenge in Vriska's voice. It clearly said I know her better than you. She belongs with me.

Never mind that Vriska had a steady boyfriend in the form of Tavros Nitram and was also busy making spider-eyes at John. She didn't mess with people's hearts because she liked them as people. No, all Vriska cared about was the game.

"I'll be sure to text her. Thanks for stopping by, Vriska." Rose said with a hard edge to her voice. She knew Vriska heard it too- the blonde girl nodded silently and then creeped out the door.

Rose hoped she had the good sense to stay away.

TT: Hello darling, so sorry to hear about your mom. Vriska told me.

Rose blushed softly at her message. Was the nickname too cheesy? She'd been mulling it over in her head for awhile... it was the perfect mix of classy and sweet.

GA: Lovely To Hear From You Rose. Apologies That I Could Not Make It- I Am Preoccupied With My Mother At The Moment But I Promise To Stop By Later
GA: Also Darling Is Quite An Adorable Endearment
GA: Darling

Her black lips curled up in a smile when she saw the messages. Kanaya's odd syntax has never bothered her, unlike most people's. She found it... endearing.

Everything about Kanaya was endearing.

TT: Don't worry about it, I'm just happy to hear from you. 
TT: Although I must say once Jade disappeared to do unspeakable things to Dave's orifices I began to feel the loneliness set in.

GA: Cannot Jegus Keep You Company?
GA: Jesus*

TT: Unfortunately, I can't kiss Jesus.

GA: No I Suppose Not.
GA: It Is A Good Thing You Have Me Then

Rose's smile grew even wider... right as John came over and interrupted her conversation.

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