Chapter Ten

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John, stretched out in the pew of the church and staring intently at the ceiling, sat up abruptly when he heard the old church door creak open. "Rose?" he said softly, squinting to see if it was his fair-haired friend.

She grinned at him, teeth bright in the darkness.

"You're late." John teased. He narrowed his blue eyes, trying to figure out what was different about Rose- there was something...

"Hey!" He cried. "Did you seriously go home and change clothes before coming to help me?" Rose shrugged as a response, only smiling harder. Her beautiful dress had been swapped out for a black sweatshirt and black jeans, the usual Rose uniform.

John shook his head with unfeigned disappointment. "You've really let me down, Lalonde. I never knew you were so vain."

"Oh, calm down. Just because I change clothes once in a while, unlike you..."

He looked down at his blue hoodie and torn-up jeans. When did he last wash them?

"Hoodies are meant to be worn repeatedly." John defended, before his face changed. "You're changing the subject, anyways! My clothes- and yours- aren't the issue here. The problem is your mom."

"So I've heard. But why couldn't Dave come by to help? I thought he was here, actually... neither him nor Jade stuck around at Kanaya's house."

"He never came back after you guys left. I was stuck here! Trying to appease your mother- an impossible task if there ever was one." John said in mock-indignation. His buckteeth poked out, though, as Egbert could never hide a smile very well.

"I didn't think Dave was the type to ditch you guys. Has he called? Pestered you?"

John held out his phone to Rose. "I've tried, trust me, but he hasn't replied."

EB: dave?

EB: dave, your mom is worried. where are you and jade?

EB: bro!

EB: i just said "bro" to you dave. i'm desperate. please reply.

"Wow. I didn't think you had enough testosterone to even know what the word 'bro' means."

John rolled his eyes.  "Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't be manly." He flexed an imaginary muscle as proof. 

"Well, that does sound kind of odd that Dave's not replying, but I wouldn't worry about it. He's probably too busy with Jade to even remember he has a mother." There was a hint of sisterly annoyance in Rose's voice.

"Yeah, Dave's a butt, this is something we can all agree on. I'm really worried about your mom."

"Right. I have a mom."

He stuck his tongue out at her. "You're as bad as your brother."

"At least I came!"


"Oh, big words. Did you learn that one from me?"

John's blue eyes- the color oddly similar to Vriska's- rolled back in a familiar gesture. "Enough of the pointless arguing and banter. Do you want to hear what happened to your mom or not? Do you even care about her?"

"Of course I do!" cried Rose.

"She's at the hospital."


"Yeah. Alcohol poisoning."

"How did she end up at the hospital in the hour or so I was gone?"

"Well, if you haven't noticed, your mom has a bit of a drinking problem..."

"I know that, John! Don't be an a**hole about this- just tell me what happened."

"She was drinking before you guys even left- wine, mainly, and lots of it. My dad mentioned he'd noticed how tipsy she was... but he didn't say anything. He hates her drinking, but he really hopes she'll cut it out.

"After you and Dave and Jade left, it was just me and Karkat to help your mom and my dad. By then, she was pretty drunk and not thinking very straight. I didn't hear exactly what she said to Dad or Karkat, but it made them both pretty angry. Karkat left.

"He pestered me later, apologizing, but I doubt he'll be hanging around. And Dad was losing his patience at this point. I think he was going to get mad, lash out at her, but before he could say anything she was passed out on the floor."

John paused, his voice growing thick. "She wasn't breathing, Rose."

"He called an ambulance- they took her away and I haven't seen her since. Dad would tell me if anything happened to her, though, so I'm assuming she's okay."

He stopped again and looked up at Rose- his friend, his former (fake) girlfriend, his future sister-in-law. There were tears in her light eyes.

"I'm sorry."

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