Chapter Eight

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Rose found herself shortly after staring at the door of Kanaya's apartment. It was marked with a plaque that read "413" and painted jade green. Even though Dave and Jade were standing behind her, she couldn't will herself to knock. 

Dave nudged her aside, saying, "C'mon Rose, this is Kanaya we're talking about! Just knock already or I'll do it for you." She was silent, so he rapped his hand on the door. 

It opened after only a moment of waiting, it pulled open to reveal a women standing tall in front of them. Her green eyes flashed coldly as she looked over the three teenagers standing in front of her.

"Oh, hello Rose. Are you here for Kanaya? I can go get her." Rose nodded quietly, looking over Mrs. Maryam. Up close her resemblance to her daughter was evident- but her dark skin was washed out and there were dark shadows under her eyes. 

As she walked back into the house for Kanaya, Dave and Rose looked at each other nervously. She couldn't help but feel awkward in the light of these events. 

Moments later, Kanaya walked forward, her green eyes wide- with surprise? Or fear? Her voice shook softly as she said, "Hi, Rose. What are you doing here?" 

Rose narrowed her eyes angrily. "What am I doing here? How about you lied to me? And sent Vriska to do it?"

Kanaya's face went pale as her mother's. "I- I'm sorry, Rose."


Rose turned and looked to Dave and Jade, who had been watching quietly (albeit nervously). "Would you guys mind if I talked to Kanaya alone?"

Jade nodded. "Of course." She smiled warmly at Rose, trying to hide how worried she really was. 

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it." Rose turned and shut the door, now looking Kanaya in the eye. Her voice was cool as she said "We need to talk."

Suddenly sheepish, Kanaya looked away from her girlfriend. "I'm sorry, Rose. I messed up- but- can't you see why I didn't want you to know?"

Rose shook her head. "No, I really don't. I thought you trusted me. Why would you hide this?"

Kanaya hesitated, her hands curling into fists. "Because I wanted to deal with it on my own. I don't need anyone to help me right now- and I didn't want to bring you into it."

Rose scowled. "Is that why you told Vriska?"

The black-haired girl's teeth clenched as she said, "I didn't want her to know. I knew she'd mess it up. But she wouldn't stop snooping. Wouldn't leave me alone. When she figured out, she threatened to tell you..."

"Why didn't you let her?" cried Rose. 

"God, Rose, did you think I wanted Vriska telling you about my mom? She's horrible!"

Rose's scowl deepened, lines etched into her forehead. "It wouldn't have been that hard to tell me yourself. You could've texted me any time- or done it in person, for that matter."

"This is my problem to deal with, not yours."

"Don't you see?" cried Rose. "That's what friends are for! That's what girlfriends are for. So you don't need to deal with things on your own."

Kanaya looked up. "I'm used to dealing with things on my own."

"You have friends." Rose said softly.

"Who? Vriska?"

"No!" She snarled. "Friends like Karkat! Friends like Jade!"

"Those don't count. I wouldn't trust them with something like this."

Rose stepped towards her girlfriend, grabbing her hands. "You can trust me. You can always trust me."

Despite herself, Kanaya felt herself smiling- just barely. "Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag. Now you get to deal with all my mopey problems."

"I'd be happy to." whispered Rose, their foreheads touching.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Kanaya breathed in a hopeful voice. "If so... we could... go to my room."

Rose arched one pale eyebrow. "I don't know if I've forgiven you just yet, but if you take me to your room I might consider it."

"I knew there was a reason I made my bed today." snickered Kanaya, leading Rose deeper into the house (her mother nowhere to be seen, thankfully.)

"You don't make your bed every day? Gosh, darling, I'm ashamed of you." Rose grinned.

Kanaya closed the door to her room behind them, her smile wide. "I love it when you call me darling."

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