Chapter 2 - Gym Buddy

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Excuse the spelling mistakes!!


When I got home a quickly checked my Skype to see if anyone of my family was online, but of course no one was so I checked my emails again and looked at the other message from mum.

"Hey Ellen! I hope you are well! Tate and Callum miss you lots! We all do!! We will be on Skype at 8pm your time if your free for a chat!! Have you met any guys?? :) hope to speak soon!!! Love you!!"

My mother and I always had a good relationship, we talked about everything! We was like another best friend rather than a mother. I quickly typed a reply saying I would love to talk tonight. I grabbed my gym bag and changed into some exercise clothes and grabbed my iPod and walked back to the car.

The gym I go to is off any main road and I am usually the only person there. Walking into the exercise room I looked at my watch. 6 o'clock. Cool that gives my an hour and a half till I have to go. Looking around to make sure I was alone, I put my music on speaker and walked over to the treadmill and started jogging.

The first song finished and C'mon C'mon came on. I smiled to myself remembering the earlier events of today seeing Zayn. I started singing along as I jogged. I had never been a singer really but my friends say that I'm good but I really just think they are just saying that to be nice. The song finished and I slowed down to a walk as P!nk's Run came on.

I sang along. As I sang and walked I felt a pair of eyes watching me. Before I could turn around, a deep voice joined me in singing.

I quickly jumped on to the sides of the treadmill turning the machine off. I spun around to see Zayn standing there leaning against the wall. I gasped and my cheeks blushed a bright red.

"Sorry if I startled you!" Zayn said. Oh my god that accent! He stood up and started walking over to me. I was speechless! One of my biggest idol was talking to me! ME! Little old Ellen!

"Um-no-I-I mean sorry I though I was alone!" I stuttered. Aggghhhh! His body his everything was amazing! He was was standing there in loose shorts and a singlet with a small patch of sweat on his chest. In front of me! His toned body showed though the thin material.

"It's fine! Seriously! I though I was alone too." He smiled. My heart melted. "Where did you learn to sing?"

Zayns POV

As I was lifting a few weights I heard music starting to play. But I just thought it was the owners putting on the radio. So left it at that then our song, C'mon C'mon, came on I smiled remembering the rehearsals we had had as a band recording and getting ready to perform it on stage.

But then I heard something that was definitely not in our recording.

A girls voice.

Puzzled I walked over to where the voice was coming from. And I watched as a blond girl jogged on a treadmill, singing alone to our song. The song ended as I leaned against the wall. The next song came on as the girl slowed down to a walking pace on the treadmill. P!nks Run. I love this song.

The girl started singing again. Her voice was amazing! As it came up to the chorus, I joined in. The girl immediately stopped singing and jumped off the moving belt of the treadmill and spun around to face me.

"Sorry if I startled you!" I said standing up properly.

"Um-no-I-I mean sorry I though I was alone!" She said in a slight Australian accent. I smiled. I loved the sound of the Australian accent. She was obviously surprised that there was someone else there as well. Her cheeks we blushing a red colour and she looked down at the ground.

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