Chapter 10 - Jealousy Problem

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Excuse any thing that is wrong with this poop XD

I'm so tired its not even funny!!


Ellen's POV

Ok that was weird. As soon as Lou kissed the side of my head and I giggled, Zayn stormed off.

I felt someones eyes burning into my back. I turned to look behind me. The girl Louis was avoiding was glaring at me. I gave her a small smile before she turned and stormed off.

I giggled. "There you go Lou. She's gone!"

"Oh thank god!" Lou said, sighing in relief. He dropped his arm from around my waist.

"Um Lou..."


"Can you please go check on Zayn for me? I don't know why, but he seems kinda pissed off..." I said biting my lip.

"Don't know why? Oh really now? He getting jealous or did you guys just have a bit of a lovers quarrel? Have you finally told each other how you feel?"

"Louis! Zayn doesn't like me that way! Okay?"

"Yeah that's why he stormed off in jealousy when I kissed your head and was holding you around your waist... Sure doesn't like you like that.... *Cough* bullshit *cough*."

"Louis!" I shouted hitting him on the shoulder lightly. "Please just go check on him?"

"Fine!" He sighed, turning to walk towards the bathrooms. I turned and walked over to the girls and Niall and Liam.

"Hey Cec? You ok?"

"Huh?" I snapped my head up to look at Kate. "Oh yeah. I'm fine. Why?"

"You just um... Don't seem to be yourself at the moment."

"I'm just fantabulous!" I said putting a smile onto my face. "Ok who wants to challenge the master at Pacman?!" I yelled walking towards the machine.

"ELLEN WE ALL KNOW IM THE MASTER AROUND HERE!!" Niall screamed running over to me at the arcade game.

We were a weird bunch. We must look like complete retards running around the arcade screaming at each other.

"Wouldn't be so sure about that Horan! Bring it on!!" I laughed.

"Watch it, we all know you love my last name, but Zayn might just get jealous when he hears you love mine more than his!" Niall said, catching up with me. He winked and I glared at him.

"Ok number one, are you kidding me? Number two, Zayn doesn't like me like that. Why am I saying this like the millionth time today?" I say crossing my arms across my chest.

"Ok number one, no I'm not kidding you! Number two, he does! Are you seriously that blind? He never gets jealous! And I saw what he did over there with you and Lou! Will you two please just admit your undying love for each other and go out?!" Niall said mocking me. I sigh.

"I just getting over a nasty break up, I'm not ready for another relationship yet." I said, turning towards the game, trying to stop the tears welling up in my eyes. I was doing so well today...

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know." Niall said, sliding between me and the game. He raised his arms out. "Horan hug?" I smiled slightly hugging him. I rested my head on his shoulder. I sighed and pulled back.

"I'm sorry! This isn't meant to be an Ellen pity party." I say, as Niall wipes a few stray tears that had escaped down my cheeks. "Come on, I'm gonna whip your ass at Pacman!" I say louder, stepping around Niall to the game.

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