Chapter 16 - Cass

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Excuse the mistakes....

Dedication to foreveryoung1Dxx for her comment :) xoxoxo thank you babe!!


Ellen's POV

After about an hour of walking around the studios, I decided to make my way back to the others. No other famous people were in the building, but I didn't mind. As I was about to turn around the last corner I heard a girl singing.

Her voice was seriously amazing! I stood outside the recording booth, watching my mouth open in awe. She managed to hit even the highest notes with perfect pitch! She is definitely going to be famous!

As the last few notes of the song ended, she smiled and took off her headphones, hanging them on the mic. When she looked up she noticed me and waved.

I seriously must have looked like an idiot standing there...

I bought my hand up and waved back slowly. Opening the door, she walked out and up to me.

"Hi!" She said smiling. "I'm Cass."

"Ellen. Wh-when-how? Just wow. Your voice is amazing!" She laughed.

"Thanks! They haven't officially singed me yet, they told me they wanted another demo tape with the proper equipment."

"That's awesome! Did you write that song?"

"Yeah I did, but I don't think it's my best. It's the last one on the track." Cass said looking down at her hands.

"From what I heard it sounded really good! I would buy that!" She looked up quickly at my a massive smile spreading on her face. She wrapped me in a hug and I laughed softly, hugging her back.

"Thank you so much! All I ever hear is criticism! Don't get me wrong it's good but sometimes it hard to keep motivated to write!"

"Hey, um this is probably kinda weird but can I please have a photo?" I asked shyly. Cass nodded as I pulled out my phone. We posed and the camera went off.

"Hey Ellen, not to be rude or anything, but may I ask how you got in here? This place is crawling with security people!"

"Oh yeah, I know Zayn and the other boys of--"

"FROM ONE DIRECTION? Seriously?!? OH MY GOD!" Now it was my time to laugh.

"I take it your a fan?"

"You could say that! What are they like? Are they nice? Where are they?" I laughed.

"They are amazing! Yes they are so nice! I know Zayn the best but I've spent plenty of time with the others. Louis is defiantly the loudest I can tell you that much!" Cass looked at me. She was bouncing up and down on her feet and her eyes filled with excitement. "Ed Sheeran is with them at the moment--"

I looked back at her as she suddenly stopped moving completely and her face went completely blank from expression. Her eyes were focused over my shoulder. As I went to turn around I felt two wrong arms come around my waist.

Looking down I saw the tattoos covering the skin and smiled. I looked up to see Zayn smiling down at me, his head over my shoulder. My stomach was doing backflips as I stood there.

"It's nearly two, we're going to get lunch, wanna come?" I nodded at him and turned back to Cass, who was standing there, her mouth open and quickly bouncing up and down on her toes. I laughed and stepped out of Zayn's arms and towards the poor girl.

"Zayn this is Cass, she was just finishing recording as I was walking past and we got talking. She's an amazing singer and a fan of you boys." I said, watching as Cass took a massive gulp and blinked her eyes a couple of times.

"I'm-I'm-I-I'm a massive fan! You guys are amazing! Is it weird to ask for a hug?" Cass smiled sweetly at Zayn. He just chuckled and opened his arms out. Cass cautiously but fairly quickly stepped into them and wrapped her own arms around Zayn. I bit my tongue to stop from giggling, she was a tiny girl, both skinny and short, with the perfect body and wavy blonde hair. Zayn was towering over her. She look so excited it was almost as if she would burst of excitement when she pulled back. Cass looked between Zayn and I, her lips breaking out into a dimpled grin. "Wait, I didn't know you had a girlfriend? I though you said you were single?!" She asked looking at Zayn. I nearly choked.

"Wer--" Zayn and I both started saying. He looked at me and caught my eye smiling softly, nodding as if to tell her.

"We're just friends." I told her with a smile. Cass' cheeks reddened and she looked at her hands.

"I'm sorry, I just-I thought that-sorry..." She stumbled, not lifting her eyes.

"It ok, your not the first one." I laughed softly. "Look it was amazing meeting you and i mean it, but I probably should, you know.. " I said gesturing to Zayn who was just standing there slightly awkwardly.

"Yeah yeah, I totally understand!" She said. "Hey can I maybe have your number, we should hang out sometime!" I agreed and we swapped phones, plugging in our numbers before handing them back.

I smiled before saying our goodbyes and walking back down the corridor, the opposite way to Cass. Zayn wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

I laughed softly.

"What?" He asked, looking at me confused.

"I like her, she's funny." I replied, turning to face him. He smiled and turned away.

Before long we arrived back at the room where the other guys were.

Niall immediately jumped up and pulled his coat on, yelling about being hungry and wanting food. The others yelled hi to me before getting up and grabbing their coats also, following Niall out.

"After you Madam?" Zayn said in a posh accent, sticking his arm out and holding the door open for me.

"Why thank you kind sir!" I giggled before walking out the door, with Zayn close behind, and following the other guys to the door came through when Zayn and I arrived.


Short chapter.......... I know.... sorry if it makes no sense I will go through all the chapters at the end and edit them. Cass will come into the story more later hopefully :)

Sorry i havent updated... i have been away..... sorry.... Actually it was amazing!!! And now I'm sunburnt.... Woohoooooooo!!!!


Is anyone here also Aussie???



I'm gonna do something... comment a question (anything) and ill answer it :) ASK AWAY MY LITTLE MINIONS!!!! ;)





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em xxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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